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I wake up from my sleep and rubbed my eyes. I stretched and smiled to myself. It was another beautiful day. I hope the birds are singing, flowers are blooming, the sun is shining and everyone is having a good day.

"Hoseok-ah! We're going to do a test, hurry up!"

Nevermind. I don't think it's a good day. I sighed and went into the changing room that the specialists and doctors installed for me. I changed into my regular light yellow hoodie and jeans and quickly slip my Adidas on. I walked out of the changing room and looked at the door. I see that it was already opened. Being curious I walked over. I didn't see anyone. I was confused. I slowly walked to the door and peek out. I immediately see the staff coming over to my room. I stood out of the room, confused. I turned around to see if there was anyone else there because I knew they wouldn't let the door opened without anyone else guarding it. Once I turned, I felt someone bump into me, well, their head only hit my collarbone.


We both managed out as we slightly step back. It wasn't much space. I rubbed my collarbone before looking at who bumped into me. It was my doctor. I never asked for his name, I knew they all wore nametags but I didn't want to just say his name without him telling me first. He was rubbing his nose before looking up at me. He immediately backed away. I tilt my head to the side, confused. I think he might have been surprised by my height. Now that I think about it, he was rather short. I wonder how old he is.

"Watch where you are going." He huffs.

"Sorry about that-" I smiled warmly at him.

He stared at me before speaking up. "It's fine. Just watch where you are going."

"You're accepting my sorry?"

"Apologie, and, yes. I am. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know.. You don't seem like the type to accept apologies."

"I don't?"


There was a moment of silence before I break it.

"Well, no one does. They seem too emotionless to accept apologies." I said.

"They are too emotionless." He states.

Right. They are. They don't feel anything but sadness. That's why everyone is so numb. Then again, I'm acting like I never knew this. I've lived in this place for 25 years. Of course, I knew about this.

"Doctor Min, the machine is up." Suwoon-Noona says as she walked to us.

"Oh, more needles, more getting my blood drawn, more getting zero results." I sighed.

"Oh no, Hobi. This isn't needles. It's a new machine." She looks at me.

"What?" I asked. "Will it hurt..?"

"Of course n-"

"-Yes. It will." The doctor interrupts Suwoon-Noona.

I stared at him. "You're going to be doing the test on me, right..?"

"I am your doctor, Yes." He states.

He really likes stating things. It's not even needed. He could just say yes and leave it at that. But he says that he is my doctor. I don't want him to be my doctor. He puts things out too bluntly. He's too honest. He doesn't sugar coat anything. I don't like it.

"C'mon." He speaks up which made me lose my train of thought.

He doesn't yank me from my wrist like how Suwoon-Noona does, or like any other specialist does. Instead, he calmly asked me to follow him when I looked at him. He was.. respectful. I didn't think he was able to be respectful. Especially how he treated me the other day. It was strange for me to see this side of him. Yeah, we barely met yesterday, and it wasn't even a proper introduction. But I can read people. Apparently, I can't read people well.

Patient 7 [On hold.]Where stories live. Discover now