Chapter One

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Chapter One

 “Someone told me the delightful story of the crusader who put a chastity belt on his wife and gave the key to his best friend for safekeeping, in case of his death. He had ridden only a few miles away when his friend, riding hard, caught up with him, saying 'You gave me the wrong key!” 

― Anaïs Nin

She poses in front of the door frame, the top of her head almost touching the top of the frame as she stands on her six-inch platform high heels. She looks wonderful--no sexy--and yes, she knows it. She drops her eyes to glare down at me.

Seated at the dining table, I flip through my biology textbook, but we both know well enough that my mind is not there. A normal adult would give me some solid advice like, "Study hard, or you'll die young," or something like that? I stare at the "awkward" chapter, rolling my eyes. Who cares about how babies are made?

Finally, I snapped the book shut, and let out a sign of exasperation. I wanted her to say something, or just walk away, so I could do my thing. Finally, with her eyes focused on me, my mom makes her way across to the kitchen. You heard that right--Mom. 

She returns with her purse hung over her shoulder, and a lighter at hand. I reopen my book, and read a few lines. Without understanding, I tapped my fingertips on the words in rhythm with my gum, and counted 1 – 10, in French.

 “Mom, you’ve got any money?” I push my bangs to the side, and run my hand through my hair; dyed deep blue on the bottom with blue highlighted streaks running through.

“I don’t have any money. What for?” Ok, come on, think of something. See the thing is...I'm bad at lying. Before I respond, “I will be leaving now,” Mom says, blowing smoke from her cigarette nonchalantly. Is she addicted to that thing? Yes! I don't know why, but I judge her. Maybe it makes me feel better about myself.

“Oh, where?” I ask, like I don’t already know.

She looks at me, and exhales loudly. “To work. Cassie needs me to help clean up at the Decoroom.”

“Yeah, right. Work. At 6:30 pm,” I push my book across the table, and stand up. “Mom, you’re wearing a plastic miniskirt, makeup, and I can see you boobs. They're fake, right?”

She rolls her eyes behind heavily mascaraed eyelashes and abstract eye shadow. Sometimes I wish she would just get mad. I think it would be better than the I-don't-care attitide. “Ok. Fine. I’m just going to hang out with the girls.”

The girls. “Maybe I should go hang out with the girls, too,” I say after her, as she starts to leave.

“Delta, you better not step a foot out of this house,” she calls as she exits the building. “Your report says you’re failing big time.” Failing? Whoa, she looked at the report--that's one step forward,peoples. Seriously, does she even care?

“Good night, mother.” The moment I hear her car pull away, I run upstairs. Throwing on a bra, I snatch my phone from the bed and punch in a response to the last message.

                <OK SEE U IN 5. WE NEED 2 TALK>

Turning on the porch light, and locking the house, I hop into my car and drive over to his house. I scan the parking lot to make sure his folks are not at home.Relieved at what I see, I park in front of the house, and take my time locking the car and going up the steps to the porch.

Before I ring the bell, Alex opens the door and pulls me in.

“Hey.” And his hands draw me into his arms, like magnet. He crushes my lips with his, and I kiss his back. This is when my brain stops functioning. Everything happens so fast, and it's like I'm under a spell every single time.

Even though he doesn’t want to part, I force myself to pull away. “Hey,” I say breathless. “Look, Alex we need to—“

“What’s up, baby?”

 “We need to talk—” His lips move to my neck, and I don’t stop him. Who am I kidding? Men, he’s doing some pretty good stuff here. Okay, focus. But I can’t, my hormones like it.

So I forget about what brought me here, and I let him kiss me. I don’t care about the smell and taste of liquor on his lips.I don’t worry about what’s going on inside me, and against my heart’s will, I let him take me upstairs. 

My mind snaps to that dreadful night. It is dreadful now, but back then it was all I wanted. To be loved, to be held in Alex's arms. It was a couple months ago, but the images are vivid in my head. As usual, Mom wasn't at home, and Alex came over. One thing led to another, and we had sex. It wasn't my first time, but it was Alex's. He didn't think we were going to do it, so he didn't prepare for it.

We didn't seem to mind. We didn't think it would matter. In fact, we weren't thinking!


That's the first Chapter guys! This is not a story about sex or anything juicy like that. The sex but was to create the setting behind the following chapters. Tell me what you thought. 

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