authors note

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Authors Note:

I don't really know what to say except maybe, sorry! I haven't updated this story properly in a really really long time (almost two years i think) and I'll be very surprised if I still have readers on this. Although if I do, that would be amazing!

I wanted to write a little authors note to say something that's been weighing on my mind - how much has happened since I first started writing. I begun writing my first story on Wattpad many years ago before I started university because I knew nobody and was shy and had no friends. I've come a long way since then! I graduated university, got my first proper job, got married, opened a side business on Instagram (called duskdesigns_uk if you're interested lol) and now, I'm back in uni for a masters degree! A hell of a lot has happened but despite all that, Deen Queens is still so so important to me.

The characters from this story mean a lot to me, they're almost like real people that I love and care about. And if you also write, I hope you know what I mean. More than that, a lot of DQ is based on bits from my own life and about topics I greatly care about (i.e. Palestine, perceptions of Islam in the media, racism in the Hollywood/Music industry etc etc)

I have spent all day writing out a plan for this book, it's a very long one but this story will be finished one day, I promise. I hope that day is soon and I hope I still have enough readers to care.

If you've been with me from the beginning, I love you 🥰🥰🥰🥰 And if you have, I'll be really curious in knowing who your favourite character is and why?

Thank you for reading my rambling authors note!!

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