Girl Meets Father

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I have been on a few more dates with Billy and things were going really well between us. I was really happy about it, and Riley and Maya knew now. So did Lucas, Farkle, Lola, Roxy, Sarah, Darcy and Serene. I don't think Lucas and Farkle liked it very much but oh well.

"Look at that ninth-grade woman. She's putting on makeup. We're going to be ninth-grade women someday."
"This thing goes to ninth grade?"

Me, Riley and Maya were in the hall watching a ninth grader putting on makeup and she pulled out an eyelash curler.
"Why that?" Oh Riley. Sweet, innocent, Riley.
"Brings out your eyes," Maya said to Riley, who was still staring at the ninth grader.
"Why would I want to take out my eyes?"
"She's not taking out her eyes."
"And I think she is."

The ninth grader turned round to us and joined in our conversation and gave Riley an explanation.
"It's an eyelash curler. It doesn't even hurt."
"I have eyelashes," Riley pointed out. "Watch this." The girl placed Riley's eyelashes into the curlers and Riley took the curlers from her.
"Ahh!" Riley looked like she was having her eyelashes ripped out, but didn't open the curlers.
"Anybody else would stop," I said to her.
Riley kept screaming until Cory walked down the hall.
"Open it."
"Thanks, daddy."
"Yeah, okay."

"School dance. I'm gonna put you all down for dance numbers one through all of them. We will alternate. You and me, me and you, You and me. When you are not dancing with me, you may not dance with anyone else. You may sit and wait until you dance with me again." I laughed at Farkle being absolutely ridiculous.
"Yeah, none of this is happening," I said to him, still laughing at him.
"Oh. Well, then may I have one dance with each of you?"
"Ha! That's all I wanted. You just got played by Farkle."

I turned around to see Lucas and Billy walking over.
"Hey, guys," Lucas said as he walked over. Billy came over to me and slung his arm around my waist.
"Lucas!" Riley had shouted and raised her hand as if she was in a lesson.
"Hand," Maya said, indicating to Riley to put her hand down.
"Lucas!" Riley did the exact same thing, without her hand up.
"Grown-up voice."
"Lucas, hello," Riley said, acting all mysterious.

"Hey, hee haw. You going to tick tock shake your body time? 'Cause, you know, it's not a square-dance, so not gonna be a whole lot of do-si-doin'," I said to Lucas.
"Well, then I'm sure I'll have no idea what to do and you can make fun of me." This guy knew how to hit me right in the gut.
"You're not playing this right!"
"Well, that's certainly not my intention. I'll try harder next time."
"I will break you!"
"Well, if that's what makes you happy, then I certainly can't wait for it, Sir."
"Ohhhh," I said shuddering at him.

"You going to the school dance, Lucas?"
"Thought I would. You?" I couldn't help but butt in at this point.
"You'll both be there. He'll be the one in the cowboy hat going like this," I started dancing around doing kicks and stuff and Maya joined in after a millisecond, but a couple of seconds later people started clapping us on.
"So, you goin' to class?"
"Thought I would. You?" Riley and Lucas walked off and into class, whilst me and Maya were still dancing, with Billy laughing and cheering us on with everyone else. Maya had only just noticed that the people were cheering us on.
"It isn't for you!" She paused and soon just gave up.
"Okay, fine."

The next day we walked into History and Mr Matthews was greeting us by the door.
"You," Mr Matthews said in a sinister tone when Riley walked in.
"Dad, I didn't," Riley tried talking until he just cut her off.

"Okay. Well, guys, I've got your test results on Darwin to give back to you. And, uh, I'm pleased to see some of you have evolved since the last quiz," Mr Matthews said trying to make a joke but in the classroom it was just dead silent.
"Ha!" Farkle made a sound that was meant to be a laugh but wasn't quite there.
"Thanks, Farkle."
"Well, you were drowning, sir."

Aiden HartWhere stories live. Discover now