44. Tess...

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Tess' POV:


Hands raised up in the black dusk of night as every inkling cheered to the point of the fireworks in the distance not taking any notice.


Screams and wails could be heard straight after. Both Pearl and Marina were excellent in hyping up the crowd which contained me and my friends.


Now everyone went quiet. A little spark went up behind; one was red for ketchup, the other was yellow for Mayo. As they went up and transformed into fireworks, both our eyes and ears were feasting upon them as we had all finally turned quiet.


The singing began straight afterwards. Crowds started rushing towards the battle tower and the others hosted and battled in their own dance-offs.

Me, Rachel, Joe and Kai were amazed at the sights. It was beautiful.

"Alright I'm getting impatient. What do we do people?!"

"Ever heard of taking in the moment Joe?", Rachel was calm and collected as always.

"Screw moments. I wanna wreck some people with my skill."

"Not before making a plan people. I haven't made any in a while...", Kai never changed either.

"Forget us everybody...", Rachel grabbed my hands quickly, "what are you up for Tess?"

I was startled at first but as I saw everyone partying ahead of me I remembered how Marie told to have fun. It was overwhelming to be this free in a while and the realisation finally hit me that once in a while I should have tried to loosen up a little.

"I just love this the way it is!"

Joe groaned upon hearing my words, "so does this mean we have to 'take in the moment' then?"


Just the colours were enough for us to be dazzled and everyone of us looked to the sky to see the fireworks and explosions that went off in places we would never reach in our lives.

"Now can we go to a match."

"I haven't thought of a plan yet..."

"Screw your damn plans Kai!"

At this moment I finally realised how impatient everyone was and I finally realised now was the time to let loose and show every inkling on this very ground my skill. I cracked a smile and got ready to say a command. Everyone of my friends looked at me and I-

"Having fun with your little gang Tess. I'm honestly surprised that they're still with you!"

It came from behind me.

"At least I have friends I can keep...Koy..."

We all turned around and the music to us had faded away as the dancing background behind us became meaningless.

"Look here. I'm doing this for your own good. Own up now and tell us what's wrong. Please-"

"What did I tell you before we voted?"

"That we were never friends-"

"Exactly so buzz off!"

Koy went quiet. In my friend group everyone looked awkward but a few seconds passed and Rachel stepped up.

"Tess, you think that's a little far?"

"Weren't you not the one that punched Koy square in the stomach when we were voting. I don't think you can talk Rachel!"

Now she went quiet too. Koy finally regained his confidence and spoke on behalf of Rachel.

"Like I said, I'm surprised they still hang out with you.", he went off to walk towards the battle tower, "I'll be waiting near the queue for battle so come up when your not the coward that you are."

Now I was sent on edge. I grabbed him by his shirt and put him forward.

"Who do you think you are to say I'm a coward?"

"I'm your friend. Deal with it!"

"I hate you so much right now. You know that?!"

"I know it more then anything. But I guess that's how scum like me live."

I pulled my fists out, "scum like you should never live!", my arms moved in a fast manner and whilst I was fully prepared for combat some other people were not.

"HOLD IT TESS!", Rachel grabbed my arm and hauled it away from me.

"That's uncool Tess!", Joe was the first one apart from us three to speak.

"Shut up, you don't matter in my business."

He backed off, hurt by my words. Koy let go of my hand and finally backed off from me too.

"Who is the real scum? Me, or you?"

"WHY YOU-", I lunged myself at him.

Suddenly two figures appeared from out of nowhere and held a firm grip on me.

"This is not how I expect to meet you for a second time. Lay off my friend!"

"Listen to sis!"

I looked back at them, "Luka...Sora?"

Luka let her grip slip away and her brother lawfully obeyed her. She looked at me in an angry mask.

"Yeah that's right. Lay off my friend!"

"As your very own friend I recommend you find someone else to take that role away from Koy."

"Who are you to decide that when you can't even tell your own about your secret that's hidden within you?!"

Things were fully heating up now. I finally snapped back to reality but Koy walked off to the battle tower.

"Meet me on the tower and then let's fight. Let's see if you've gotten any better since we first met.", after a few seconds he turned his head whilst walking, "Luka, Sora: regroup!"

They obeyed his order and followed after him. I looked at them, rage seething through every inch of my body. I felt like pummelling Koy's face against the hard concrete ground. When I turned around I saw all my friends. Kai looked astounded at what happened. Joe had put on a sad face at me shoving him. Rachel seemed almost at the brink of tears.

"Guys, follow me: Regroup."

"You don't sound as cool as Koy...", Joe muttered.

"Really, then why don't you join Koy?"

He fell silent for the last time and we went along to follow the group ahead of us.

Me vs Koy...

It was finally time...

The winner seemed uncertain...


Meet the cast:

1. Tess as the main character
2. Rachel as her best friend
3. Joe as the air-headed one
4. Kai as the smart guy
5. Koy as the rival
6. Marie as the mystery
7. The interviewer as the questioner
8. Octo oven as the first boss encounter
9. Sheldon as the weapon supplier
10. crusty Sean as the grub guy
11. Rachel's mom as the cautious one
12. purple 9 as the big octoling
13. Tess' mom as the mom
14. Marina as the kind one
15. Pearl as the sassy kid
16. Koy's mom as the strict parent
17. Koy's Dad as the chance-giver
18. Purple 8 as a trendsetter
19. Sora as the young brother
20. Luka as the older sister
21. Zen as Purple 7
22. Octo samurai as the second boss encounter
23. The teacher as the knowledge giver
24. Octostomp as the third boss encounter
25. Callie as the other squid sister

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