69) Vengence

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Tess' POV:

I ran at full speed. She knew what I was planning to do. After a quick dodge, she sent me flying towards the other side of the thin alleyway.

I pulled a successful landing and prepared to go full speed for a second time. Whilst taking out my splat dualies, my body charged into the enemy in front of me. She swayed to the other side as I tried to ram into her and then proceeded to try and punch me, but I turned into a squid, making here trip over me and onto the floor.

Using this as an opportunity, I quickly used all of my body and attempted to turn back into my human form to shoot at her with my dualies. Mask quickly took notice and dodged as I had gotten in a few shots. Her movement slowed down. I was taking the advantage.

Noticing that this was my chance to end her, I ran to her, whilst shooting with my dualies. This was now my chance. This was not when I first faced Rose, where I had everyone helping me. No, this was about to be my accomplishment. All this time, I never seemed to be useful to anyone, but this was now my fighting chance.

A splat roller appeared. I made a sharp halt in my tracks as I saw the display of the fabled, carbon roller. A slash was made- I had no time to think, leading me getting about to get pounced on.

On instinct, I put my dualies on front of me, causing it to begin colliding into the roller. We had clashed our weapons. The splash of the roller went across the area we were in, and we locked eyes for a fraction of a minute.

"You seem better then the splatfest." Mask finally spoke.

"I was always this good. My skill should be able to surpass yours in a few minutes."

"Saying something like that isn't intimidating, you know?"

"If it means ending people like you, then I'll gladly say it. I'm not going to lose to you!"

"You're too cocky." I saw her arms tremble in the power of my strength. "Let's fix that."

She attempted to kick me through our close encounter. Pulling my knee forward, I negated her attack, forcing her to sustain some injury in her feet. Now that she could no longer run, I shifted the angle of my dualies and shot at her. She sustained the injury and as I was shooting, she squid-jumped across to the ceilings of the houses.

I followed after her and landed. Normally, an individual would have to turn into their squid of Octopus form, whilst swimming in their own ink colour to heal up. I had to make sure not to let Mask turn back into a human to heal herself.

We locked eyes and I sprinted towards her. She began to spin her roller about in a spiral mannerand ink had splattered around her. As her roller was flying around, I realised the only option on how to win this battle- take away her weapon.

Using a splat bomb as a diversion, my body leaped across the rooftop of the house in order to take her out. I managed to get close and grab the top handle of her roller. It had now became a power struggle.

"Nice. But try to remember, there will always be a plan B!"

She launched her special: a bomb launcher. Knowing that Mask was going to aim at me, I jumped away whilst throwing another splat bomb as a diversion.

"Damn it!" I was out of options.

"Don't be too hard on yourself. You won't be able to think in a minute."

"I hate people like you." My anger became immense. "You have no idea what I've been through!"

Mask looked at me. She knew what she had to say. "I'll bet your friend does." It worked.

I became angry at that one sentence.With the flurry of bombs flying about, I quickly took a diversion and stepped back. I had yet another plan in all of the chaos. Now it was dependant on me to pull it off.

With the bombs harming our surroundings and obscuring both of our visions, this could be used as an advantage against her. Normally, the user of the bomb launcher would move slowly in order to focus on their aim, which was something that Mask had not taken into considerations. She was more reckless then I had first thought, but this was a good thing.

"Where are you? You damn newbie!" Her bombs were still flying everywhere. "Have I already thought you your place? You need much more schooling to know anything!"

I initiated a squid-jump. This was my time. I knew the rough location. Throwing away my dualies, I quickly took to my aim and jumped high into the air. The wave of air sprinted past me, almost like I was breaking a force field. Locking my fists into my position, I shouted before making my final blow!

"YOU should know your place!" Her face came closer into view. "LET'S GET THAT STUPID MASK OFF YOU!!!"

She finally noticed my landing strategy- too late though. My fist pummelled into her Octopus mask, cracking it into pieces and shattering the fragments of the design. By sheer habit, I pulled a grin as I realised that a full blow was sent to her.

She attempted to punch me, but I stepped back and dodged. Her whole body was now working together to hide herself now. My face was grinning with victory.

"You imbecile!" She was shaking. "Look what you've done!"

"Serves right for what YOU did." I ran to her. "WHATS UNDERNEATH THAT STUPID MASK!"

She stepped away slowly to attempt an escape. I knew whilst running, that my speed was far quicker then hers now. This was it. I was finally finding my place and becoming useful. This was one Hyde step to saving inkopolis. I was going to prove to Marie and my mum, that I could stay safe.

My arms clasped her arms. I swayed them to the opposite sides, to reveal her face. And then I saw...


My eyes widened. She stared at me. My visions flashed, matching with the shirt that Marie gave me when she told me about her. I walked backwards in shock.

"Ca-" My motive was swirling. "Callie?."

My head hurt. My memories flashed and disappeared. I forget completely about everything that ever happened. Rachel meant nothing at this moment. Joe's need for helping me get revenge was nonexistent. Nothing added up. I shook; my whole body could not fathom what I was seeing. Everything was becoming mashed and mixed into a big jumble of a mess. Then, I heard a voice.

"Tess!" I did not make an effort to turn and see the owner of the voice. She simply walked towards me. "Are you ok?"

I could not reply. Marie looked at me, then Callie, and I saw her eyes widen in shock as we both knew the secret was out. We stared into Callie together.It was all a ruse.

"You- green one!" She spoke. "Meet me towards the end of this month. Fail to comply, and Inkopolis is doomed to fail its meaningless existence!"

"Come back to us, Callie." It was a plea for help.

"Yo, agent 4," She ignored her cousin. "Thanks for the match. Come by once I dispose of the green one."

We saw her leave. I was speechless. She squid-jumped. This was a sign- things were going to get much worse from here.



Meet the cast:

1. Tess as the main character
2. Rachel as her best friend
3. Joe as the air-headed one
4. Kai as the smart guy
5. Koy as the rival
6. Marie as the mystery
7. The interviewer as the questioner
8. Octo oven as the first boss encounter
9. Sheldon as the weapon supplier
10. crusty Sean as the grub guy
11. Rachel's mom as the cautious one
12. purple 9 as the big octoling
13. Tess' mom as the mom
14. Marina as the kind one
15. Pearl as the sassy kid
16. Koy's mom as the strict parent
17. Koy's Dad as the chance-giver
18. Purple 8 as a trendsetter
19. Sora as the young brother
20. Luka as the older sister
21. Zen as Purple 7
22. Octo samurai as the second boss encounter
23. The teacher as the knowledge giver
24. Octostomp as the third boss encounter
25. Callie as the other squid sister
26. Octo shower as the fourth boss encounter
27. Mask as the new octoling in town
28. Octavio as the final boss encounter

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