Chapter Twenty Nine | Lightning Strikes

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The smell of cheeseburgers and fries filled the air whilst I pushed the car door shut with my elbow. I had the keys in between my teeth as I walked into Noah's house and up the stairs to her bedroom. The door was wide open, and I could hear her and the boys working on some music that Noah had started to write not so long ago.

After Noah and I bumped into each other, I told the boys that we had finally made up and clearly they were excited as hell. Now here we were, in her bedroom all laughing and chatting like old times. It felt good to be back to normal.

"Guess who's back," I smile walking into the room with my arms filled of food packets.

"Back again," Jack sings in tune of Without Me by Eminem. I place everyone's dinner on a small desk at the end of Noah's room before ripping the packets open. Instantly everyone was crowded around me as hands were coming left right and centre, snatching burgers from in front of me.

"How's the new music coming along?" I ask sitting next to Zach on the end of Noah's double bed. They shrug.

"So good so far," Jonah says.

"Yeah, we're currently working on one that I think we might end up calling friends," Daniel says strumming his guitar. I nod and take a bite from the still warm burger in my hands.

It was a getting dark outside. The sky was dull with grey clouds and thick raindrops were falling down onto the wet streets. "It sucks that it's raining," Noah says picking up a chip from her French fries packet. "I need a break from all this music, and we could've gone for a walk or something if it wasn't raining."

"Yeah, I need a break too," Zach agrees grabbing a chip and lining it up ready to throw at Jack.

Instantly Jack was up from his seat and ready to catch it. "See if you can get it in my mouth," he says, causing Corbyn and I to look at each other with our eyebrows raised and the corner of our lips turned into smirks.

"That's what she said," Corbyn winks. We all start to laugh and and Zach throws the chip, but it misses Jack's mouth and falls behind the desk.

"Dude nooo, that's not what I meant," Jack groans causing us to laugh even harder.

"Mmhm, I'm sure," Jonah teases as Noah searches the back of her desk for the now lost chip.

"Great, now I'm gonna have a deceased French fry behind my table," She says after a few minutes of searching. I reach into my food bag and grab out a chip before putting it into my mouth.

"Do you know what that reminds me of?" I ask. They all shrug at stare at me blankly. "Hide and seek, we should play it! I mean there's nothing better to do in this weather," I suggest.

"Yes! It'll be like when you and Corbyn got lost in that massive field in Seattle," Jonah laughs.

Corbyn and I look at teach other with our eyes wide with excitement as we point a finger at each other. "The field bears!" We both exclaim before falling into fits a giggles.


It was me who was the seeker for this round of hide and seek. The house was silent apart from the heavy rain falling onto the roof and slipping down into the drains. I tiptoed down the stairs, hoping that the floorboards wouldn't creak and blow my cover. I figured that none of my friend could be quiet for longer than two minutes, so if I didn't make a sound surely I would be able to hear them.

I was now in the living room. Nugget was walking beside me, nibbling at my ankles trying to get me to play with him. Suddenly I watch his ears perk up and before rushing into the kitchen. I chase after him with hope that he had found where one of my friends were hiding.

"Nugget, piss off!" I hear someone whisper violently. A smile spreads across my face as I see Nugget sitting next to the dining table with his eyes locked underneath it.

"Found you," I cheer crouching down next to the table to see Corbyn sitting in a ball hugging his knees. "Damn you really need to find a better hiding place," I laugh as he crawls out from underneath the table.

"You wouldn't have found me if it wasn't for Nugget," he teases.

I roll my eyes and shrug. "Probably true," I admit before seeing a flash of lighting coming from outside before everything turned black. Nugget barks a few times as I hear him running around the place like crazy.

"Kels, you okay? Where are you?" I hear Corbyn ask. It was very dark, and I could barley see my hand in front of my face.

I reach my arms out and grab the table before feeling Corbyn's hand touch mine. I grip it back, still unable to make out his silhouette in the darkness. "Holy shit, what the fuck just happened?"

Suddenly a small light turns on, and I see Corbyn with his phone out and his torch on. "Must be a power cut because I don't see any of the streetlights on either." Also getting my phone out, I flick my torch on and head towards the light switch. I turn it on and off a few times, but no luck.

"Well this just made my job as seeker a little harder-" I joke before a loud thumb closely followed by a short yell fills the air. I stare at Corbyn with my eyebrow raised.

"Daniel, what the fuck!" Zach's muffled voice cries from somewhere in the house. Both Corbyn and I instantly rush up the stairs trying to find where all the havoc was coming from.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Daniel mutters. I turn the corner to have a look in one of the bedrooms before crashing into Jonah.

"Holy shit, you gave me a fright," I laugh as Jack appears from the darkness.

"What the hell is happening?" Jack asks. Both Jonah and I shrug before hearing Corbyn yell for us. We follow his voice and see him up the top of the the pull out stairs that lead into the attic.

"I found them," he says as Zach appears behind him holding his finger.

"What the fuck is happening up there?" I ask.

"I can explain-" Daniel exclaims as he comes towards the stairs.

"When the lights went off Daniel couldn't see Zach crouching down behind this box, and he stood on Zach's finger," Noah chips in as she emerges from the darkness of the attic, and takes a seat next to Corbyn.

"I feel so bad," Daniel mutters.

"It was kinda funny though," Noah giggles.

"Guys I think my fingers broken," Zach states.

We all look at each other before I let out a sigh. "C'mon then, let's go."


So yeah this is like two nearly three months late hahahhhhhhhaaaaaaa sorry about that... I've even really busy and i know that's such a cliche excuse, but it's honestly the truth x

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