" oh shoot the dance." Adrien Said to his kwami as he ran down the streets of Paris . He was drenched up to his knees in water, since it had been raining. After an electrifying kiss from Mari, his weird teenage angst had started to fade. It was like a little touch of sadness or pain set him off.
              "Adrien, it's because you've held all your sadness in a bottle your whole life." Marinette said to him,meeting him in the subway . The two sat on the bench and talked. "Have you ever tried shutting your door and just having a good cry?"Marientte Said to him. Adrien has always been little sunshine boy, but lately things have been getting word for him. Sunshine but was becoming a big ball of teenage angst, and it was seriously upsetting Marinette. "Maybe I could do that. I just-" Adrien started in reply. "I understand, Adrien." Marinette replied. "And of course i will go to the dance with you."he replied. That made Marinette smile. He noticed she was shivering cold so he took off his jacket and out it over her shoulders. "So Adrien..." she asked . "What are we, are we like, uh dating or not?" Marinette Asked him. This was a very awkward moment for them. "I guess your my Girlfriend." Adrien Said to her. The pair smiled at each other. Maybe it all has something to do with the rain. He thought to him self.
Marinette walked off and pulled him with her. The tightness around his rest actually left wrist burn which she alter apologized for. "It's 7:30. We gotta be at school!" Marinette exclaimed. The pair weren't that far from the school to begin with. The pair ran up to the steps. "Where have you been?" Alya screamed. But before they could answer the school bell rang for 1st period. The group of teens walked to class together and soon found themselves getting scolded by the principle , Mr. Damocles. "Sorry we'll be quiet now!" Marinette assured the principle. They walked into class and had a seat.
" today we are gonna learn about Anthropology." Ms Bustier said to the class. They all let out a dreadful sarcastic "yay" and she frowned. "This is gonna be fun." Alya whispered to Marientte, in an agitated tone. " as you can see your alleles make up your phenotype." Ms Bustier. "Perhaps adrien And Marinette had a child..." she said.
The room went to the complete most awkward silence anyone had ever witnessed. "The child would most likely have green eyes and blue/black hair." She continued.

The room had gone silent. Marinette wasn't okay but Adrien was worse off for once. He sighed as he thought to himself "just relax". His weird teenage i hate my life angst has gotten so bad. OK, so maybe it was not that bad... but Adrien definitely was not himself lately.

The teenagers left their class all with an unpleasant groan. "I have sat through some boring stuff, but that had to be up there on the list of the most boring things I have witnessed." Nino said as he patted Adrien on the shoulder. "You are not Okay, Adrien." Marinette said as she approached with Alya. "She is right." Nino replied to them. "No I'm perfectly okay, it's just-" Adrien started to stutter. "Just what?' Alya said.

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