"You two have done an excellent job." Master Fu said to them. The two lit up in smiles. "Adrien, Marinette...." fu said to them. "You can't decipher the code, but ... I'm getting old. I'm dying. I can't take it any longer. You all are 18 years old. Take care of the miracle box would you?" He Said to them. The two were shocked. "Uh-really?" Marinette smiles. "I have a house in my name. You can keep it there." He Said. He handed them over a tiny bag . Adrien took it and pulled open the draw string. Down inside it was a key ring with a key on it and a paper with an address.
                 "It's all yours." Fu said. "Mine or Marientte?" Adrien asked. "Well, I was hoping one day you would share it." Fu laughed. Marinette and Adrien were both blushing like crazy. "Maybe." Adrien winked with a laugh. They all chuckled.
             The pair pulled up to the large Victorian style home. "Wow. How come fu never lived here?" Adrien asked as they approached the doorstep. "He said he was lonely, just him an Wayzz. The apartment was small and not so big." Mari replied to him. They walked into the house and their eyes lit up. The big spiral stair case wrapped around the upper floor , and it was just beautiful. "Wow they're like 80 bazillion rooms!" Marinette Screamed with excitement.
       "Perfect for a family- speaking of which." Adrien Said. He grabbed a small jewelry case out of his pocket and got on a knee. "Will you marry me?" Adrien asked her.
        "Of course!" She Screamed.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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