Chapter 24

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The ride back to Jack's house was a pleasant one. Most of the time was spent reminiscing the amazing day we just had, and I have to admit I was sad that it was over. Jack seemed to sense that though, and assured me we would do something like it again.

From a ways down the street, I saw a glimmer of white in the driveway. As soon as I saw it, I felt a deep sense of dread in the pit of my stomach. I had no idea what that white speck was, but I knew it didn't bode well for me. I was squinting, trying to make out exactly what it was, but we were too far away.

As we drove closer, I realized it was a car, almost identical to Jack's in size and make, just a different colour. I knew Jack saw it, so I quickly glanced sidelong at him. His face was a mask, unreadable and mysterious. Some sixth sense told me he was worried though, and that unsettled me. He was usually calm and collected, ready for anything.

We silently walked up the driveway, and I noticed Jack was gripping my hand tighter than usual. He pulled out his key and turned it in the lock, painfully slowly. We walked in silently, and stepped into the kitchen. 

I gasped and let go of Jack's hand as if it was scalding hot.

A.N - Really short chapter, sorry, but school is being a bitch, Ill try to update asap :D


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