Illusion; V

112 24 78

Madsen Street was where the last 'accident' happened; one week ago, three people involved in a street brawl a week ago which resulted - and, in some cases, ended - in various severe injuries. Reports of the incident had shown that bats, knives, and many more weapons were used, explaining their state of near-death.

It was all bullshit, of course. Roxanne had read the hospital records.

You don't get that many broken ribs from a wooden bat - one or two maybe, but several? Was the bat discovered at the scene splintered too? And, while you might get some deep cuts from knives, no matter how skilled you might be, they would never be that deep or that primal.

Madsen Street was also, coincidentally, a place she was familiar with, not because of the people who lived there, but because of one person who worked there.

What did this person do, exactly?

Well, he got paid for monitoring the security cameras in Madsen Street.

And what was this person's name?

"Hey~, Ricky. Ricky Rickson, my man, my bro, my sib from another crib, how are you?"


But he looked like a Rick, so she called him a Rick.


Roxanne cringed. Ricky was always a tough shell to crack, it was why she was acting more chill than usual, but what concerned and relieved her was that they had history. And no, not the romance kind of history, the 'we're doing mischief together!' history.

It relieved her because it might be easier for her to do what she came here to do.

And it concerned her because... well... their history might not be a very good one.

"Dude, dude, dude," she put a hand on his shoulder, trying to convey that she meant him no harm and hopefully remind him of the good ol' days, "I know I almost got you fired last time I went into the security room-"

"Yes, you fucking did."

"-but this time I actually have a valid reason to be here."

The security room was as small as two restrooms combined. It smelled like ash trays - which was kind of weird because she'd never seen him smoke - and it was squeezed in-between two buildings; a shoe shop and a DVD rental place. Roxanne wanted to question why you'd have that where it was, but this was one of the few things she would much rather not know the answer to.

There was one official entrance; the entrance door, which she was currently standing at, and which he looked very tempted to close.

"That's still a no, Stone," he said, taking her hand off of his shoulder.

Stone, because stones were rocks, and rocks sounded similar to Rox, which was short for Roxanne.

She needed to play this smart. Rick was a nice guy, but he took his job too seriously. Maybe she should compliment him on losing weight, he'd at least consider it, even if he looked like he actually gained weight. Then again, who was she to say? She wasn't an eater, and Claire sometimes ate too much - like, really, it was a miracle the timid girl didn't have a double chin. Neither of them were qualified.

Where was she again? Oh, right. Security cameras and proofs and Rick getting a tiny bit fatter. If she could convince him that it wouldn't cause anyone any trouble...

"Please, Ricky Martin, it'll take a second."

They stood on a kind of standstill, her eyes staring intently at his grey eyes. Ricky was searching - searching for what? She didn't know - and she let him.

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