Enfold; VII

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This time, Roxanne couldn't contain her surprise. "What?!"

Robert's face twisted into one of blankness, but she could clearly see that he feigned it. His lips still did the occasional twitching up, showing that he couldn't contain his smile, as though this was all amusement to him. And maybe it was. "I brought it."

The betrayal was like a thousand pound of bricks and feathers contained in her chest, threatening to combust at any time. It was reserved for Grover.

The anger, however, was like an erupting volcano, sitting in anything but peaceful in her stomach, ready to boil and cause calamity at any time. Clearly, it was reserved for the man who screwed Grover over and acted like Grover's life and career was a game to him.

Roxanne, usually quick to her words, was in too much shock that all she could do was splutter, "But- I- you-"


Roxanne stomped her foot down. It echoed, until it didn't, leaving the sound of the cat's ticking be.

She spread her arms wide. "What the fuck?! When did this happen?! Why did you- Why him?!" She pointed to the man who looked part-amused and part-confused. Not that he was paying any attention to that asshole.

Robert scratched his jaw, down to his cheek, his eyebrows flat. Roxanne's eyes drifted to the watch he wore, and how it looked anything but expensive; red and pink, too small for his strong hands, and unbefitting for a billionaire.

There was a small moment there, one where Robert muttered, more to himself than anyone else, something not meant to be heard of. Something that made him smile a dastardly smile.

Adit didn't catch it. That small gesture that Roxanne knew probably meant a lot but could very well mean something. And that something was not to be brushed off.

Then, Robert retreated back into his former self. Into the Robert where he was a well-respected billionaire - or rather, son of a billionaire. Where he may be a little snobby, and a little self-centered, but was overall a fun, lovable loving guy whom everyone just loved to love.

"Umm... 'cuz I'm rich as fuck? I thought you knew that, you know, since you wrote an article about me." He glanced at said watch, and shrugged to himself. "Anyway, I better get going now-"


"Brooks!" This wasn't the first time Grover raised his voice at her. But it was the first time Roxanne didn't feel guilty about it. If anything, his reaction angered her even more. "That is uncalled for!"

"Yeah, mind your own business, kid."

Robert genuinely looked annoyed. Not that Roxanne cared. If anything, him being angry at her would serve as a benefit for her. If he didn't like her, then he wouldn't have a reason to keep her in his workplace.

Roxanne shook her head. This wasn't how things were supposed to be. Roxanne worked here because of Grover. If Grover wasn't the boss, then-

"You can't just- this can't-"

"Oh, but this can, and this does."

Robert rose from his seat with the graciousness that contrasted his deadpan look and simplistic style of clothing. He walked to the door, and stopped at her side. He was taller than her. Her head was on par with his collarbone, almost to his neck. He looked down at her.

"The deal's done, kid."

He leaned into her as he patted his hand into her shoulder. Even when Roxanne wasn't looking at him - she refused to, nor to look at Grover, so she opted to look straight ahead at the half full bookshelf - she could feel his smile, his sneer, like a predator, a lion, maybe.

And then he did something so subtle that nobody should be able to tell but himself. And the only reason why Roxanne was - fucking barely - able to capture his actions was because of her paranoia.

Robert Price, a powerful man in all of the state, with his power and influence as great as the mayor himself, her new boss, according to Grover, a man she would have to see everyday... leaned his nose into her, inches away from tickling her tufts of hair, and inhaled.

Roxanne froze. An unearthly terror rose into her and locked her in place, draining her from the oxygen she desperately needed to consume.

He sniffed her.

"Look forward to screwing with you." 

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