Unravel; IX

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The trip from the mall's bathroom to her apartment was one of the most heart wrenching experience for Roxanne.

She felt like a fucking teenager from a cheap slasher film, only, she couldn't call anyone because she couldn't tell anyone what was going on without getting them in trouble or getting them into killing her because they were part of the fucking problem.

Anyone, literally anyone could be trying to fucking kill her, and she felt so alone.

Even Claire was in on this. Claire, of all people.

She flinched at every loud noise; whether it was car horns or people shouting or even fucking metal music. She couldn't help but look over her shoulder, then at her right, then left, then up.

What was that word you use to describe not being able to breathe?

Because that was what she was feeling right now.

Everyone was watching her. Everyone was out to get her. She knew it was irrational, but she couldn't help it.

Fuck. She must've looked like a psycho, not that she'd ever really cared about what other people thought of her.

Roxanne didn't care.

Roxanne saw them, everywhere. Black eyes. Blue eyes. Hungry eyes. Eyes that seemed to see right through her, so much like Angel yet nothing like her.


Angel, where was Angel? She was- she was supposed to be here, protecting her, guarding her. Where was she?! Why wasn't she here?!

You know why.

Shut the fuck up. 

Angel. Where was Angel? 

Angel was supposed to protect people. Angel was supposed to not let anyone get hurt. Angel was supposed to be a hero!

Roxanne saw a man, walking on the sidewalk, nearing her, and she ran the opposite direction, not at all caring that she went further away from her home. It didn't matter why. He looked scary. Why did he look scary? She didn't know. She wasn't about to risk anything.

It took longer to get home because of all the things she saw, real or not.

She stumbled, she shook, she sobbed, once or twice or a couple of hundred times, but she made it to her apartment, to her home.

She opened the door, went inside, closed it, and sobbed again, leaning her forehead to the door, sliding down until she was on her knees, pathetic and weak and a mistake.

It was dark. And Roxanne didn't care until she heard a gruff, low "Roxanne", coming from behind her, from the apartment, from her home, her supposed safe haven.

She sobbed harder, then stopped with a hitch, then jumped into a standing position, and turned around.

There was a man there. He was big. It was dark. He was scary. She was alone.

"Beti, it's me."

It was Grover.

Grover. Who was Grover again?

He was the boss of Wow News. He worked to find out the truth, yet he never once published anything about the real truth, the truth she'd always strived for. In fact, he fucking- he shut her up, every time she mentioned it.

He didn't want her to find out about the truth.

He controlled everything.


It made too much sense.

No. No. No. "S-stay away from me-"

He held his arm out, stretching out to her, and all she could think of was how his meaty "You need to-"

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