Meeting for the first time

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I got detention for punching Melanie, and got sent back to class. I walked slowly to English and sighed before entering the classroom. There, I saw a familiar shade of green. I gulped and quickly sat down. Lucky for me, the only seat left was next to Mr. Green eyes. (Sarcasm)

Dean turned to me. "Hey, I saw you in the office. What'd you do to get there? Never seen you there before." He asked, winking after. I felt myself blush a bit, but quickly answered. "Punched someone. They were talking about me." I said, shrugging. He nodded and turned back to the teacher. Mrs. Morstan stood in front of the class, explaining our next assignment. "Class, the next assignment is going to be a group project. You're going to write an essay with your partner about adversity." I internally groaned. Language arts was one of my best subjects, but I hated writing essays. Then, she began to assign groups. "Beth and Matt, Dean and Lindsay, Amy and Rory," My eyes widened. "Shit." I hissed quietly. Dean turned to me and smirked. "Looks like you and me are partners, princess." I rolled my eyes and groaned.

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