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Dean's POV~

I got up and drove Sammy and I to school, excited to see Lindsay. Sadly, I had to wait until after lunch to see her.

-lunch time-

Still Deanie Weenie's POV~

I walked into the lunchroom to see Lindsay sitting with a red haired girl and Jo. I walked over and sat next to Lindsay. "Howdy, Dean-o." Jo said with a wink. I smirked. "Hey, Jo. Who's this?" I asked, pointing at the redhead. Jo smiled, winking at the girl. She held up their hands, which were intertwined. "This is my girlfriend, Charlie." Charlie smiled. "Hi! Jo's told me a lot about you!" I raised my eyebrows. Lindsay suddenly grabbed my hand. I looked at her confusedly. She just ignored it, and began to talk to Charlie and Jo about Star Wars.

Once lunch was over, I pulled Lindsay aside. "Um, not that I'm complaining, but why'd you grab my hand earlier?" Her face went red. "Uh, no reason..." I raised my eyebrows. "Lindsay..." She rolled her eyes. "Fine. I kinda told Charlie and Jo that we're dating." I just looked at her. "What? Why would you tell them that?" She smiled weakly. "Well..."

Lindsay's POV

I called Charlie after school and asked if she wanted to hang out. She, of course, accepted after I promised to watch LOTR with her.

When Charlie arrived, I knew I had to come clean. "Um, I kinda lied earlier." She looked confused. "About what?"

"I'm not dating Dean."

"I knew it! But you can't deny that you like him! I ship you guys so hard!"

I smiled lightly, and Charlie threw herself onto the couch next to me.

"So, how long have you had a crush on Dean-o?"

I blushed and muttered, "Since the first day we met.." She squealed and began to talk about how she knew I liked him.

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