Heaven and Earth

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Since I am now an angel, and I was given a hunter's funeral, I no longer have my body. At first, I felt that taking some poor soul's body was wrong. But the young woman I have inhabited was on the brink of death. She had been in a coma for a while, and they were about to pull the plug.

I decided that since I was in a vessel, I could visit Dean.

I'd been separated from him for too long. I needed to see him.

He was on a hunt. Moving sluggishly, not fighting back against the demon that was coming for him.

Sam wasn't with him. He was doing research. Dean had snuck out to hunt. It was going to end badly.

Unless I did something. I couldn't watch him die. Nor would I watch him die.

I willed myself to appear next to the demon. I quickly put a hand to it's forehead, killing it instantaneously.

Dean looked at me with confusion.
That look turned to anger.

"Why would you save me!? I just want to die!" He screamed, running towards me.

He slammed the blade he was holding into my chest.

I let out a small tear before pulling the knife out, throwing it across the room.  "Dean. Calm down. You are not going to die. Not on my watch. You matter too much. You do not know who I am, but please. Do it for Lindsay. Stay for her."

It broke my heart to leave him.

But he stayed. For me. Though he wanted to die, he stayed for me. For Lindsay Marie Rhodes.

Them. (Supernatural HS AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें