I'm So Sorry

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A/N- JellyBean, don't kill me, please ily <3


He smirked, pushing himself up into a standing position.

He strolled over, smirking cockily.

"Hey there, Lindsay." He drawled with a wink.

She stood, frozen, eyes wide.

"Dean," she breathed. "Sam told me you died."

He let out a breathy laugh.

"Well, Sweetheart, he wasn't lying." Dean said, his eyes flashing black.

Her eyes widened more.

"No! Get out of him!

He just continued smirking, beginning to walk over to her.

" Darlin', I hate to break it to ya, but I am Dean."

Once he reached her, he put a hand on her face.

"No, Dean, please. This isn't you."

He just shook his head.

"How many times do I have to tell you, this is me.
Same soul, same packaging."

She couldn't believe it.

He let his hand drop from her face.

He pulled something out of his jacket, and right away she knew it was a weapon.

It was made of bone.
She knew what it was.

The first blade.

She was overcome with fear.

"Dean, if this is you, you wouldn't be able to deal with the fact that you killed someone you cared about!"

He laughed as if she had said something idiotic.

"Well, then, I guess it's good I didn't really care about you."

She shook her head.

"See, that's the poison talking. Not the real Dean.
Not the Dean I fell for"

She wouldn't and couldn't believe that the man she'd fallen for had turned into this.

Dean was now walking around the room, waving the blade around.

"Y'know, I left you for a reason. I couldn't stand you. You were so pathetic, falling for me, when I never loved you."

"Dean, what I don't understand, is why even talk to me? Why did you even bother with me, if I was so 'pathetic'?"

"Well, you just looked so sad that I figured, 'hey, why not use this girl?'"

She laughed humorlessly, putting on a fake smile.

"Well, I guess the one thing I took from that whole experience is that I still love you."

"That's what kept me sane, hell it kept me alive."

"I still fucking love you, because the Dean I knew, and still know is not a rude, demonic prick"

He just laughed and laughed.

"Y'know, Sammy, he's probably just finding out that I'm gone. He doesn't even know what I am now."

She scoffed.

"Do you honestly think that being the thing you are now is good?"

He raised his eyebrows.

"Because let me tell you, the Dean fucking Winchester I know hates things like you. He hates them so much. You are his worst nightmare."

"Sweetie, do you know anything about me?"

She clenched her jaw angrily.

"I am my own worst nightmare. I used to look in the mirror and hate the damn thing I saw."

She was shocked by what he said.

"But now, now I'm stronger. I can kill easier. I'm better than ever. I'm more than I used to be. I used to be a useless person with a deadbeat dad."

"Dean, you weren't useless! You're no better now than you were when we met!"

"Dean, the man I fell in love with is still in there somewhere, I know it. No matter how many times you say that this is you, it's not true."

Dean let out a growl.

"I may not be exactly the same, but I'm improved. What you, a petty girl, think is unimportant."

"You know what? What I think is important. I matter. Dean, the old you mattered."

"It's a shame you don't think the new me matters."
Dean said with mock hurt.

"I guess we'll have to do something about that." He said, his smirk back.

He suddenly lunged toward Lindsay, wielding his blade.

She tried to dodge, but it was too late.

She was impaled by the blade of bone.

She collapsed to the floor, eyes widening at the entry.

She instantly felt bad. For Dean. He had just stabbed someone he loved.

She knew he wouldn't be able to live with it- killing her.

Her mouth was filling with blood.

She had to tell him.

"Dean," she choked. "I forgive you. It wasn't you. You're not you. It isn't your fault."

She was coughing now.

Blood was being coughed up, splattering the wood flooring.

"P-please don't blame yourself. I love you, Dean."

Dean just smirked down at her. "Dean, you're in there. I know it. Please, just fight this disease."

"I like the disease!" He hissed.

"Dean, please. Before I go, I need you to know that I'll always love you. I'll see you again one day."

He looked down at her, his eyes showing conflicted emotions.

He began to frown suddenly.

His eyes showing remorse, tears lining them.

"Lindsay, I'm so sorry." He grunted.

Them. (Supernatural HS AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora