Part 3

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Pulling into the driveway of the house Cas sent them to, Dean sighed a little, this was the house in his dreams, the one he comes home to, the one his family is in. 

"Um, Dean?" Sam asked

Dean glanced his way and drove rest of the way to the house, why this girl? Why now? Honestly he didn't want to get out of the car, but he knew if he didn't, who knows what would happen to the girl. 

Putting the car in park, Dean let out a sigh. Honestly he didn't want to go in and see the scene, he just wanted to go find the girls, so far three, that have gone missing. Bring them all home and maybe his dreams could come true. But, if they do come true, that could end hunting, but she did ask how the hunt went so maybe she knows about demons and everything already? Lightly shaking his head he climbs out of the Impala, seeing Sam already by the front waiting, he just nodded lightly to let his brother know he's fine and they have a hunt to do.

As he walked up the path to the front door, a sensation rushes over him, almost like he's walked up this path many times in his life, even though this is literally the first time he's ever walked up it. 

Sam huffed a little when the door was locked. Giving his brother an odd look as Dean felt the top of the door frame, almost like he knew something was there. A smirk came to Deans face when he pulled the extra key down.

"How?" Sam started to ask and all Dean replied with was a shrug.

How does he tell his brother about how he knows that the key was there? He wouldn't really understand, would he?

Entering the house a pure black dog came running up to Dean, greeting him like he knows him, "hey boy," Dean greeted, glancing over Sam was confused as hell, "just being nice."

"Yeah, so, where do we start?" 

"Not sure, how about you go around that way and I go up stairs?" Dean suggested.

"Sounds good," was all Sam replied and headed to the kitchen to start looking around there.

Making his way up the stairs the dog followed behind him. Stopping at the first door he dreaded to open it, it's the room the little girl sleeps in, in the dream. Opening the door he noticed it was an office, letting out a breath he glanced at the dog who nudged him a little.

"It's okay boy, we'll get her home," he spoke checking over the room, so far no signs of anything. Well, at least not in this room. There's two more rooms on this floor, but wasn't sure if he should check them out or not. The master room and a guest room.

Leaving the office he went to the room across the hall, only to find out it was the guest room, 'okay, so my dream was a bit backwards for where the rooms are I guess' he thought with a sigh. Still, no signs of any struggle, now comes the room he doesn't want to enter. The master room.

Making his way carefully to the master room, he noticed the door was slightly jarred, gently pushing it open the room was a mess, books thrown everywhere, blankets tossed on the couch, three long marks on the floor leading to the window.

"SAM!" he called.

"Whoa!" Sam spoke entering the room, "what in the world?"

"The thing is all I can tell."

Sam nodded, "so, where to start besides the marks?"

"You over there, I'll be over here, see if we can find anything that would make a demon come here."

"Sounds good," Sam replied and picked the blankets up off the couch and tossed them on the bed, "does this count?" 

Dean went over to the couch and his eyes went huge and what Sam found. It wasn't what they thought they would ever find in a victims room.

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