Part 10

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Laying on her side with her head resting on Dean's shoulder. She stretched her arm out across his chest and took a deep breath in, she loved how he smelt, old cigarettes and beer. It's, to her, attractive. She cuddled into him with a smile. She just wanted to be close to him.

Dean smiled as she cuddled into him, the coconut scent from her shampoo and conditioner she uses lingered in her hair. Along with a hint of cigarettes, which kind of shocked him that she smoked, but in the living room he did see an ash tray full of butts. He lightly shrugged, it doesn't matter to him if she smoked or not.

Drifting to sleep, he hoped the odd dreams would stay away now that he and Luna are together. 

Running through the woods, something was after him and his new bride, but no one knew what it was. The last thing them two were doing were sitting by the river, enjoying a small picnic Luna packed for them. She's a couple months pregnant and all demons have been staying away. Not sure if it was because she's a powerful witch or why they've been in hiding. But out of no where a demon is chasing them. The growling and barking followed wherever they turned. Getting to the Impala Dean opened the drivers door allowing Luna to slide in first. Slamming the door shut after he gets in growling came from the back seat. Turning to see a large, pure black shadow of a dog there it pounces.

Jumping awake Dean glanced over to see Luna had her back to him, she was sound asleep still. Climbing out of bed he needed to talk to Sam. Getting to Sam's room he pushed open the partly opened door and Sam wasn't there. Sighing he heads downstairs to find Sam on the couch watching TV. Sitting down Dean lets out a long sigh, he hated that dream.

"What's up?" Sam asked him.

"A shitty dream," Dean replied glancing at the TV.


"Luna and I were on a date in the woods by a small river since she packed a lunch, then out of no where we heard growling, nothing was there but it chased us to the impala, she got in first after I opened the door and after I had the door slammed shut, growling was from the back seat, looking back there was a pure black shadow dog there and it pounced on us, that's when I woke up."

"DAMN, what the hell kind of demon would that be?"

"I have no idea, it scared the shit out of me though, since Luna was a few months pregnant."

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