Youth 06

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the only way to end an unrequited love

The way I found out I had a crush was when I realised that I was unconsciously watching him. It took a while before I noticed that I saw him everywhere. In the halls, in class, the cafeteria, the courtyard, everywhere I looked, I was always able to find him. The way to end an unrequited love? Make it mutual.

Delancy was walking down the halls, staring out the window when she noticed Eric. He was sitting under one of the trees with his headphones in as he scribbled into his notebook. She was about to head down to meet him when a few acquaintances stopped her. They looked at her with concern as they pulled her into the washroom.

"What's up?" Delancy asked, not noticing the mood.

"Are you off to see the weird guy again?"

"Who's the weird guy?"

"The Chinese kid you've been near. The loner who's always talking to himself."

Finally sensing the mood, Delancy gave a small laugh and said, "His name is Eric and he's my friend. Is there a problem?"

"Del, are you sure? He's really weird, we're worried for you."

"There's nothing to worry about. Have you even talked to him?"

The girls looked at each other and fidgeted with their sleeves. "No," they said weakly.

Delancy gave a smile and said, "Then there's nothing worry about right?" Delancy gave them a wink and a pat on the arm before she left.

From the third floor, the girls along with a few guys watched as Delancy sat down beside Eric. The guys were jealous that such a person got Delancy's attention and the girls believing that their idol deserved better.

Down by the tree in the courtyard, Delancy sat to the left of Eric and took out her sketchbook as she waited for him to notice her. She had to think of two more designs for the design contest she was entering but she was stuck.

She was staring at her sketchbook as if she wanted to burn a hole through it when inspiration hit. Delancy grabbed a pencil and let her hand flow. When she finally finished, she looked up to see Eric leaning on one hand staring at her amused. He mouthed something but she couldn't hear.


With a chuckle, Eric tapped his left ear twice. Delancy touched her ear to notice that there had been headphones over them.

"When did that get there?" She asked as she slid them around her neck.

"About five seconds before scribbled like a madwoman."

Ah, she thought, so that was why she had the inspiration.

"What are you doing anyways?" He placed one hand on the ground on her left side and leaned over, just hovering over her shoulder, to get a better look at her sketchbook.

"It's a design for a dress." She leaned back ever so slightly for her back to just graze his chest as she brought the sketchbook closer to eye level. "Does it look alright? Making it is the hard part."

Eric placed his right hand just below hers and adjusted the book so it would be at a better angle. His other hand quickly went around Delancy's shoulders as he adjusted his glasses. He returned both hands to their original position on the ground behind him and said, "Looks great."

"Really?" Delancy turned her head and their noses just grazed each other's, neither of them moved.

"Yeah," he said, not breaking off eye contact.

"Thank you." She dropped her head as she looked to the ground and smiled.

"Did you like the song?" Eric asked. He had repositioned his arms to wrap around his legs.

"Is it bad that I don't remember anything?" She asked with an apologetic face.

"Listen to it again, I'll wait."

So she did and so did he.

Asher and Nancy with the beautiful personality were studying when her pager beeped cutting their study session short. She packed her stuff along with a kiss from Asher before and left without a word. Not wanting to be alone, Asher headed up to the roof.

Maybe his best friends were thinking the same as when he made his way upstairs, footsteps from the first and the fifth floor joined in and the three guys were up at the roof. They didn't say much but their silence was more than enough.

Eventually, Asher broke the silence and asked, "So what's wrong with your lives?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary. Mother over works herself, dad worries about everything, brother, well who knows what Emilio is doing there." Diego said, looking at his brother's necklace.

"Can't compete with that. Where's Rei and Del?" said Isaac.

"Del said something about a latest issue and Rei said something along the lines of it's out already. Then they screamed and ran to the bus stop," Asher explained the scene he saw on his way back.

Right on cue, two sets of footsteps could be heard walking up the stairs. When the two girls stepped onto the roof, the three boys jumped back and hugged each other.

"What's wrong with your face?"

"What's wrong with your hair?"

"What's wrong with your clothes?"

Their faces were a mixture of confusion and terror as the two girls took their questions as compliments did a series of high fashion poses to show off their new look.

Their once pale skin was now covered in an over the top, orange based makeup that was too distracting but to look away one would focus on their hair. Their straight hair was curled and tied into a side pony tail. Rei wore an all denim ensemble while Delancy wore layers of neon clothing.

"You like? Palette says it's the latest style." Delancy held up the newest edition and on the cover, there was a model who dressed in a similar fashion.

While Isaac and Asher fought over who was going to tell them they looked horrible, Diego simply stared at Rei. The Japanese girl looked over and gave him a smile signaling that she wanted his opinion. He simply bit back a smile and raised his eyebrows.

I wondered if it was the light or if it was the smile. Maybe it was both, maybe it was none. Maybe it was the obscure outfit or the hair. It could have been the makeup too, I don't know. Maybe it might have been me. But there was just something about that imperfect moment that was perfect. Maybe it was simply her. The way to end an unrequited love? You pray that the person feels the same as you do.

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