Youth 08

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between love and friendship

The relationship I have with my friends was something more than anything that could be placed on the spectrum between love and friendship. As cliché as it was, I wouldn't trade it for anything because of them, I find the will to keep going. 

The most exciting time of the first semester was the annual school trip. It was a three days, two night trip up north to Catalpa to celebrate the end of term exams, and to signal in the new year. Aside from the trip to the popular location, it was also a chance for the students to meet up with their friends from different schools.

Rei impatiently tapped her pen as she waited for her friends to join her in Asher's unit. Since they were too lazy to clear the snow from the roof, they relocated their meeting place to Asher's.

"I'm not late am I?" Isaac asked as she closed the window. He threw his winter clothes onto the rack before picking them back up since Asher's unit felt colder than the December air.

"First one to arrive after me. Where're the others?"

"Del was about to head down but got called back in. Not sure about Diego and I think Ash had a date today?"

Isaac joined Rei as he angrily tapped his as he waited. Eventually Delancy and Diego arrived before they could indent the table but Asher was moments to late. The five friends sat around the table, eyeing the person to their right then to their left. Their hands where clasped and under their chin as tried to repress their smiles.

Eventually they caved in and spread out their schedules and brochures along with a map of the area. The important locations were already circled such as their accommodations and must see sights.

"Okay, but what about the hot springs?" Asher suggested.

Out of their three schools, Rei's school started their trip early and thus only allowing them to overlap one out of the three days. They had already decided to spend the morning on the slopes and the afternoon in the town, they just didn't know where in town.

"Ew, go on your own," Delancy said. Her hands instinctively placed over the opposite shoulder.

"We can get souvenirs on our own so cross out the souvenir shops."

"Can we at least go to one together? Do one of those lame matching charms?" Isaac asked.

"I want to," Rei said.

"Then we can't spend too long at the marketplace." Without saying a word, the four friends stared at Delancy.

"What?" She said, raising her hands up in defense. "Fine, I promise but don't blame me if you guys get attracted to everything too."

"We already said we were going to tour the Winter Festival right?"

"Well, what else do you do at Catalpa? Plan murders?"

"Not funny Asher."


"Don't forget to buy your Secret Santa presents."

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