Bound by Heartstrings

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Amidst the laughter and conversations of her family, she felt utterly alone, her thoughts lingering on the one person who should have been her anchor - her husband, Arnav. He had this way of getting under her skin, of making her feel a whirlwind of emotions with just a look or a word. He could shout at her out of nowhere, dump his frustrations on her, completely ignore her viewpoints, and hurt her without a second thought about how deep those wounds might go.

Arnav, in his unique way, had shown his 'love' again by pushing her away, all because she had the DNA test done to see if Arav was really his son. How could she do such a thing, he wondered, feeling betrayed by her lack of trust. When he found out about the test two weeks ago, he responded the only way he knew how - by pulling away from her. Since then, he's been ignoring her, brushing off her attempts to talk, to say sorry, to explain why she did it. But he wouldn't listen.

And if that wasn't enough, he made sure to flaunt his indifference, especially around Sheetal Kapoor, laughing and reminiscing about old times in a way that felt like a deliberate snub. She tried to keep up with the family talks, to laugh and engage, but her heart wasn't in it. The more he ignored her, the more she felt invisible, like she was speaking into a void.

Sitting there, trying to join in on the evening's casual chat, she felt disconnected. She couldn't focus on Di's NGO work, Mami's nail polish debate, Payal's dinner menu, or Nani's Diwali plans. All she wanted, all she needed, was him - his attention, his love. But it was clear she wasn't going to get it, not today. The realization hit her hard, and suddenly she couldn't take it anymore. She stood up abruptly, her action pulling everyone's eyes to her in surprise.

Khushi murmured a soft, "Di, I'm heading upstairs," her voice barely masking her weariness.

"Khushi? Everything okay? You seem off," Anjali inquired with a furrowed brow.

"Just need a little rest, Di," Khushi offered a faint smile and made her way upstairs, leaving a worried glance from Arnav in her wake.

"She doesn't look too good, does she?" Anjali voiced her concern to Payal.

"Yeah, Di, she had a fever this morning. I think I should go check on her," Payal suggested, concern lacing her words.

"No, Payal, I'll go," Arnav interjected, a sense of urgency in his voice.

"But Arnav, we were just starting to catch up," Sheetal tried to hold him back with a light protest.

Arnav, his patience wearing thin, countered sharply, "What's more important? Chatting here or checking on my unwell wife?" Sheetal opened her mouth to apologize, but Arnav was already storming upstairs, muttering under his breath about Sheetal being a nuisance, his concern for Khushi pushing everything else to the background.


Clad in an orange saree that whispered against her skin, minimalistic jewelry adorning her, she was a vision of restrained elegance

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Clad in an orange saree that whispered against her skin, minimalistic jewelry adorning her, she was a vision of restrained elegance. Her long brown hair danced with the cold breeze, betraying the turmoil that lay beneath her serene exterior. Her cheeks bore the trails of dried tears, silent witnesses to the sorrow that had momentarily broken her composure.

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