10~ Free Birds

95 35 120

Dedicated to EraRexon

| words used : 417|


F R E E   B I R D S

The click of a heel,

The tint of lipstick,

The brush of an eye shadow,

The dressing of your choice,

The feel of celebrity,

The feeling of confidence,

Running within the veins,

Pulsing through the mind,

Making me smile.

Holding my head high,

As I ignore the passing stares,

For they are not my downfall anymore,

They make me rise with confidence
all the more.

It’s no more sitting in a corner,

It’s more like visiting every corner.

This confidence leading to
new heights of identity,

Now weighs in the mind of everybody.

‘Such a walk of fame,

Walking by herself with no shame’

There! People talk all the time,

Will you let it get to you each time?

Girls are supposed to be behind veils,

But should they suffer a life
under the wheels?

Girls are supposed to
not raise their voice,

Should they suffer a life
of brutality in silence?

Girls are supposed to
get married as soon,

Should they suffer a life where
most choices are doomed?

Those were the murmurs
of people who saw,

They don’t know, we were
born to break their law. 😎

Girls are whatever in their mind.

We are the free birds about to shine.

I see their faces covered in gloom,

As I rise with a determined bloom.

I hear the defeated sigh escaping
their lips,

As I passed head held high,
a smile grazing my lips.

People are meant to talk,

But you are meant to break this walk.

We girls are not just any diamonds,

We don’t need to be named by anything that goes by husbands,

For every single wrong,

We will stand in our way strong.

People can whine,

As we rise and shine.

They can build barriers,

We will be the warriors.

Wait for that beautiful day,

When we have the rightful equal say.

-S. A. Khan




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Hala.. Free birdies and birdaas if any... And if dat makes sense😂😂...
Hope u enjoyed this too... Oh well the next one is a bit romantic.. Teaser... Huhu... My first try at romance poetry... Just a bit... In the slightest bit only... Okay lol... I'm shutting up...

EraRexon all of ya readin' give her book a try!! You will be shocked... It's awsm... So do try out... Follow her up too!!!



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