28~ Crystals Of The Vast Region

35 17 26

Note: the updated and edited version of this poetry is now available in my newer poetry collection "When Nature Beckons You". If you want to read the first draft, you are free to ❤️

| words used : 303|


That texture...

The crystals of the vast region,

Soft and coarse,

Ever-mixing yet delicately separate,

As if powdered to perfection.

The many colors it can procure,

The many patterns and designs,

It can assemble,

Its all a beauty,

For a sight to see.

As you step in,

It gently coats your feet...

Though as hot as the climate be,

Holds in it a gentle coolness.

The sun glistening with heat...

I stare enough to see black heaves,

Yet I just play here with the sand...

It falls from the spaces of my fingers,

Like waterfalls of Niagara,

Collecting itself with the others,

Mixing yet again....

As you hold it up close,

You could see the how definite,

A shape each held...

Crystals of the vast region ...

Shallow transient dents they allow,

Yet a total coverage from all above,

Shallow the impressions could be,

Depth too much to not able a far see.

As I take a fistful again..

Letting it slip past slowly,

It reminds me of an hourglass,

Time ticks by,

I sat here in wonder,

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