20~ A School To Remember

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| words used : 771|


I once stood on a ground,

Steep and levelled as it could be,

Had its own ups and downs,

Fourteen years, my life spent here,

Tree bordered this ground,

The seventh of these tree,

I'd always climb with all my spree,

And a small stage beheld its pride,

For all my years to come at school,

I'd see them all from the view of a fool.

Eventhough, I knew the leave was sooner..


Oh, there was our house in there too,

Green house it got labelled with years,

Benches laid in like long horizontal lanes,

As we left, we broke one in vain,

Said, see now there is more dancing space,

Eventhough, I knew the leave was sooner...


Boisterous and energetic,

I'd run through the corridors,

My school shoes, a companion all through the road,

Never made those elephants trumps,

It was silent as soul.

Each corridor I pass through,

Some dim and some dull,

And some lit like fairy lights,

Had an identity of its own,

Hey bio lab! Hey preppies!

And oh! Principal and headmistress,

'Shush! Be quite girls!'

Was how I recognised them,

Little did I know,

It had become a part of my own,

It was my second home...

I'd admit some days were better being at school,

When I was a coward, escaping to my room,

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