17~ I Stand Here...

57 26 213

Note: the updated and edited version of this poetry is now available in my newer poetry collection "When Nature Beckons You". If you want to read the first draft, you are free to ❤️

| words used : 694|


I S T A N D H E R E...

I stand here within the wheats,

They waving, brushing me,

Reflecting coppers and goldens,

The tree of cedar just upfront,

Grown up just along like me,

Seen it the size of me,

And now a wild blown tree,


The pastel blues of the clear sky,

Under, our little wood house,

Just homey and the required,

Happily settled up beside the tree,

Red and white it still is,

Horses neigh from the stable beside it.

Built by the hands of my own.


I stand here within the wheats,

Admiring our hand built spree,

Feeling as satisfied as the peace within,

With the smile I wear now,

There all along, winning hearts,

Just like my little sweethearts,

Tiny balls of rocketing energy..

Not far away they were,

Smiling, laughing,

Running around in mischief,

Twinkling shines of joy in their eyes,

I wish it never dims,

As I watched their soft padded feet,

Run across the field.


As I stand here within the wheats,

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