Part 3

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Days past, and tour was eventually over. "Thank god!" I yell, and throw myself into Brendon's bed. I forgot to say, I'm living with bren until I get a house. I'm not in the band for record, but I just go with them on tour. "That's not the bed your sleeping in." Brendon says, and raises an eyebrow. "So, it's not like we can't sleep next to each other." My drunk self says. Brendon's cheeks turned pink, and he doesn't know what to say. I grab his arm and pull him on the bed near me. I nozzle my face into his neck, and he moves back. "Ok, your drunk." Brendon says, and gets up. "I'll go lay on the couch." He said, and walked out. ~~ Morning
I wake up and everything around me is different. I walk down stairs to see Brendon in the couch. He was wearing pants and no shirt. He's muscles...
Since the couch was long, a had a space to sit so I did. I grabbed the blanket and put it on him. It was cold, and if I didn't have a blanket I'd freeze to death. Minutes past, and I got comfortable hearing Brendon's little snores. It was cute. Until, the dogs came in and jumped on Brendon. "No! Don't do that doggies! He's sleeping!" I yell in a nice way, and take them off him. I got them off, and they ran into the kitchen. I looked at Brendon, and he was awake. "Sorry...What happened last night?" I say, and he sits up. He rubs his eyes, and yawns. I look at his naked chest, and his stomach. He was just so...
"Whatcha staring at?" Brendon said, and smirked. I quickly looked at his face and said, "W-What? Nothing". He raised an eyebrow, and shrugged. "You were drunk. You wanted to cuddle with me." He said, and my face went red. "But of course, you where just drunk." Brendon finished, and got up. "You can wear one of my shirts or pants." He said, and we walked into his room. He pulled out pants and a t shirt, and gave them to me. Before anything, I stripped into my underwear and bra in front of him. He looked at my chest, and down. "Whatcha staring at?" I say, and get my revenge. He's head shot up and he blushed. "Your body." He smirked, and looked again. Damnit, he admits it of course.
I blushed and put the shirt on. It was long, and I threw the pants at his head. "What are you doing?" He asks. "I'll be good. The shirts long, so this will do." I say, and hug Brendon. ~~

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