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I drove her and I to the disco, and we went in. She was wearing a black half shirt and dark blue ripped shorts I got her. We made our way near the middle, and Freya looked worried. "What's on your mind? Are you ok?" I ask her, and bite my lip. She rubs her eye and says, "I don't like singing in front of people". I laugh, and say, "They can't hear you. I can barley hear you!". We put on the headphones, and I grab her hand. The first song that comes on for us, is my song Victorious. Our eyes lit up, and I blush. "You see, you can hear me but I can't hear you?"
She giggles, which is the cutest thing, and smiles.
I twirl her around, and have her fall back in my arms. "Let me be your killer queen" I hear her whisper the song, and we go get drinks. We sit down and order drinks at the bar in the Disco. "So, hows life going?" I joke around with Freya, and she just smiled weakly. It was adorable. "Good, since I'm with you." She says, and then frowns. She looks away at the other people, and doesn't make eye contact. Why is she acting like this? I'm I making her uncomfortable? I'm so stupid.
Our beers came, and we started drinking. After that, we drank others. And other beers, some shots, and we were drunk. "Heyyyy you think brendoonnnn can drivee." I say, and point at myself. She coughs, and throws up in the trash. "Nooo, I don't think sooo." She says, and falls. She falls into my chest, and I pick her up like a baby. She giggled, and we call a cab. ~~
"Thank you Supermannn." She says to the cab, and we walk inside my house. We go in my room, and sit in the bed. I push her to lay in the bed, and she smirks. "What are you doiing" She says, and raises an eyebrow. I don't respond, and take off my shirt. I throw it to the side, and cuddle with her. She nuzzles her head into my neck, and she raps her arm around my waist. I kiss her forehead, and we go to bed cuddling.

Cheater (Brendon Urie)Where stories live. Discover now