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Feysandian: Do you think they remember us?"

Fireheart2024: Who?

Feysandian: You know what I mean. Our friends.

Fireheart2024: ...I think they've moved on. And we should too.

Feysandian: But how?

We remember, even though we are forgotten.

Alyna Ameer had it all. Perfect friends and a promising future. Alyna Naadir was the center of attention, with best friends by her side to tackle what lay ahead.

One unexpected announcement seals their fate, making them leave behind everything they were sworn to have last for a lifetime. Now as the girls trek through their muddled lives, they must realize that nothing lasts forever. Through late night text messages and heartbreaking conversations, the girls seek the truth about themselves and the cold reality the world has to offer.

A girl with too much fire, another with too much much to say. What happens when they meet?

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