Chapter 11: New Friends

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"The greatest thing about new friendships is that they bring new energy to your soul" - Shanna Rodriguez  


Aly (Alyna Naadir)


The rest of the week flew by. The only remotely interesting thing that happened in school was Sarah coming on Friday after watching the movie 'Five Feet Apart' and breaking down because, I repeat, "How could they do this! The ending! My baby! You evil witch, how could you not warn me!" Sarah then proceeded to beat Irene's poor head with her lunch bag, chasing her around the classroom and eventually giving up when Irene decided to fight back. I don't know how I deal with these kind of people in my life.

Lyn and I didn't have any major fights which is honestly something I am proud of. Mr. Oliver never called us for any debate team meetings. In fact, he didn't mention a specific date or time in which we were to meet up with the rest of the group.

I was in my closet Saturday morning regretting the fact that I chose last minute to pick my outfit for Amara's house. The party was in two hours and I had no clue what to wear. I was looking through my closet, discarding everything in a corner. Everything was either too grey, or too pink. It was either too fancy or not fancy enough. When I said I was coming in sweats, I never meant it, but now I look at my glorious comfy sweats. The only clothing I can rely on at all times and wish I could wear something like that, but I had to make a good first impression on the parents and I couldn't do that in sweats.

I go through pairs of jeans and different colors of shirts, but none of them fit right or look good. I sigh and text Amara, asking her what she is wearing, but she doesn't reply. I look at all the contacts, checking to see if any of them were on. Lyn's profile blinks green. Lyn was on. Should I text her? Would she just laugh at me? I mean, not knowing what to wear isn't exactly a crisis. I shouldn't disturb her so early in the morning, but I'm kinda desperate. I just need an idea of what she's wearing so I know where I'm at.

Alyna Ameer🤨

Aly: hey Lyn. I just wanted to know what you are wearing today.

Lyn: oh well, to be honest, I was gonna ask you. I have something picked out but I don't know if I can pull it off.

Aly: send a pic. I'll tell you if you can. And then u help me with my clothes. I need serious help, I suck when it comes to looking nice. Or really fashion. Trust me, I'm no Amara or Sarah in the matter.

Lyn: Those two girls are too extra. Watch them wear ball gowns and call it casual 😂😂

Aly: lol. Okay, now send the pic.

Lyn: alright calm down. Patience, young grasshopper

Aly: pretty sure I'm older than you. When's your birthday?

Lyn: May 17. What about you?

Aly: aww damn really? Argh, July 30.

Lyn: 😂 so you are a young grasshopper. I think I shall call you that from now on. I'll even change your contact name to young grasshopper

Aly: just you wait, I'll find and even more embarrassing name for you meanie.

I didn't mind the teasing from Lyn like I thought I would. In fact, this was good, really good. I remember bickering like this with Alia, missing the feeling of-forget Alia, don't pine after her like an ex-girlfriend. She's over you soooo, move on. Do not show signs of weakness. You do not miss her, understood. I silently nod to myself, agreeing with the thoughts in my head, but really, my heart wasn't in it.

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