Chapter 1: Lost Control

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"...and trust the magic of new beginnings." ― Meister Eckhart


AUTHOR'S NOTE: In this chapter, there are references from the show called Supernatural and a book series by Cassandra Clare called The Mortal Instruments. These references will not cause a hindrance to your reading, though I highly recommend this show and books series. THEY ARE AMAZINGGGG!

4 Months later: December


Aly (Alyna Naadir)


"Arghh, no Irene no, Wincest is bad. We do not ship Wincest."

"Why not? They would be so cute together!"

"Are you INSANE?!? THEY ARE BROTHERS! I don't even think incest is legal."

"Who cares? They're hot together."

"Arghh, no Irene, we don't think that way." I bang my head on the desk repeatedly, asking myself How did I end up here? And how did I manage to make the weirdest friend possible?

I shake my head and look towards a pouting Irene. She smiles suddenly, her lips stretching and stretching until they look like a straight line.

"Fine, we won't ship Wincest, but what about Destiel?" says Irene.

"Absolutely not! He's an angel what do you think happens when an angel and a human do it?" My voice turns into a hiss.

"Well, technically Dean is a guy and so is Castiel so... they can't even have kids," replies Irene in a slightly disappointed voice.

I turn a glare onto my friend. "I will kill you slowly."

"You know, you're right," Irene says with a finger on her chin.

I look at her shocked for a second. " Umm, you want me to kill you?"

Irene ignores me and continues to think, her hazel eyes looking up and her dark brows scrunched together. Slowly she looks back at me.

"If we ship Destiel, Sam will feel lonely so what if he..."

"Absolutely not! You are ruining my favourite show. I swear Irene, one more word and I will cut your tongue out!" I exclaim, refusing to even let that thought enter my mind.

"But it would make everyone happy!" she says with an innocent shrug.

"Ahhh, I can't stand you," I say, turning towards my desk. I reach into my bag to take my book out, but my hand comes out empty handed.

I turn to Irene. "Did you take my book? It's not here."

"Nope," she says popping the "p," annoying me even more.

"Just because I don't agree with your incest ships doesn't mean you can steal my book." I glare at her.

This time she looks at me and sighs, "I did not take your book, Aly. I don't have a death wish."

"Well, then who took it?" I ask, looking around.

She looks around her, eyes skipping over everyone in our class. She lifts her finger and points, "Well, I found the poor soul."

I turn to where she's pointing and see Alyna Ameer holding my book with... Oh my is that dirt on her hands? She's holding the book as if she owns it, and dear me, is she bending the cover? All of a sudden, all I can think about is grabbing the sharpest object and shoving it into her eye. Fortunately for her, Irene reads my thoughts and grabs the pencil on my desk "Be nice" she commands. I sigh and get up to claim my book and kill the book thief with my glare.

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