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          We'd never make it before dawn. We're still on the plane, and it's already nighttime. And even if we make it to the airport, or our flat, Watford is so much further away.
          Baz and I haven't said a word since we got on the plane.
          I hadn't really argued, but I'm not completely sure he wants to come back with us. He fit in with them. The vampires. Him. And... I don't know... the poshiness of it all. (Is that even a word?)
          "Why can't you see that I wouldn't be happy anywhere without you?" He said. I almost said, "Because! Because I'm extra! Because I'm extra baggage for you to carry around while you go off saving our friends! Because I'm not right for you!" I didn't get anything out except his name before we spotted Penny running towards us (with what may have been the most worried expression I've ever seen from her).
          I'm staring out the window.
          I don't know where Baz is looking.
          I don't want to lose him. I can't lose him. But if with them is where he belongs...

          Snow won't look at me.
          I haven't looked away from him. I can't bring myself to look anywhere else.
He smells almost the same as he has the last year, but the smell of popcorn and melted butter is heavier now. It does that when he's upset. Like the smell of despair isn't satisfied with just one, but has to let everyone and everything else around it with a decent nose know that that person is suffering too.
          Staying in Los Vegas with Lamb and the other vampires wasn't even on my radar. It still isn't. (I won't leave Snow. I won't.) Of course it isn't on my radar. Being anywhere without Simon... Leaving him would be like leaving the sun, leaving the light, the hope. Surrendering to the dark side of the moon. We all need sun to stay alive.
Lamb sent Simon into a trap. Got him shot at.
          He sent Simon into a trap.
          Lamb is the reason Simon almost died. I'll never forgive him.

Hi everyooonnneee!!!! So this is my story, Beyond, and it takes place after Wayward Son. I'm creating my own way of settling things, while still trying to keep the elements that make The Simon Snow Books, well, The Simon Snow Books. I really hope you enjoy it and that it is able to tide you over until Any Way The Wind Blows comes out in about 2 years. (I know for me it's how I'm going to survive until then, hopefully it will be for you too.❤️) Thanks for reading and please leave me feedback on anything you think I could change to fit the characters more, or even just something you liked! Also if you'd like to receive updates when I post a new chapter, you can follow me or add this story to one of your reading lists! Thanks and enjoy!!

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