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We're in the car for about an hour before pulling up into an enormous roundabout driveway.
Only once did Baz ask where we were going. When they gave no answer he sat back against the seat, giving up.
I've been here before. With Simon and Penny. The Mage... he brought us to one of the meetings. He wanted to show what was at stake; the children. Us.
The cars stop at the end of the driveway in front of an immense assembly building. Made of sandstone, it' s unlike any other building I've ever seen. Long, not wide, and with only one story.
The drivers step out and wait for us to follow. Simon and Baz get out, then Simon jerks his head for me to follow.
I know his gestures all too well.
"Stay behind me." He says.
He wants to protect me. I know he wants to protect me. Right now, I'm thankful. I'm always thankful.
Penny and the Normal get out after we do and follow us up to the building. Their drivers stay behind them, almost as to warn them against turning back.
I guess it's time.

All four of them looked like something the cat dragged in. Penelope's hair is in a mangled bun, Agatha's shirt is torn near the neckline, Simon's face is pale (though nothing compared to Baz's), and Baz still has grey around his eyes as well as the tops of his hands. (I assume it's the sunburn.)
I try to get a look at their faces, but all four are pointed at the ground.
We step up a few stairs and face the entrance. The men lead us in with no hesitation; Simon walks through the doors first and the rest of us follow.
He lifts his head and stops. Maybe there's a security check.
But there's no one. Only one person stands in the middle of the room. Her back to us, she's wearing a black business jacket with a light blue shirt and long black pants. Her blonde hair was swept into a neat bun, and she carries no bag of any sort.
The woman turns to face us and I'm not sure why, but I feel queasy. Like I ate too much and now it's trying to come back up. She takes a step forward towards Simon.
"Welcome back." She says smoothly. "We have a lot to discuss."

There's a woman where the Coven should be. Everyone should be here.
The woman is looking at me.
"What do you mean?" I ask her.
"I mean," she says sternly, "You. All of you."
Something's not right. This woman... I feel full. Like my body is just radiating, it can't quite hold the empty feeling that's been there the past year.
I feel magic. God it feels so good. I've missed it. I've missed it so much.
Wait. How- How am I able to feel this? I'm a Normal now. Normals don't have magic, or feel like they have it. Normals get sick. Maybe I don't really have it. The Magic, I mean. Maybe this woman- whoever she is- is doing something to me. She doesn't seem happy to see us.
"Simon Snow."
"Yes?" I answer.
"You need to come with me." The woman's voice was deeper now. She turned and walked to a doorway at the end of the hall. I followed.
I looked back at Baz before cutting the corner, then let my eyes follow the woman down the hall.

"Who are you?" I ask when we get to a room at the end of another hallway. "What's your name?" I say again.
We're in an office now, decorated with green wallpaper. The Watford school crest is painted and framed above a desk towards the back of the room.
She sighs and leans back on the desk. "Lynx. My name is Lynx. I'm a messenger from the Coven."
"Why isn't Penny's mum-"
"Headmistress Bunce isn't able to make it to our little meeting," she continued. "And neither can your friends."
I stare at her, and her bright yellow eyes stare back.
"This is just between us. You, Simon Snow, are The Chosen One."
"Not anymore I'm not."
"Yes, you are."
"No. I'm not. I lost it."
"Lost what?"
I'm getting annoyed now. I still feel full.
"My magic. I'm not The Chosen One. I don't think I ever was. I just had more power. But I didn't save the day."
"But you did."
"No. I didn't. Even with magic I couldn't save the day."
It's true, even with my magic I couldn't save anyone. I couldn't save Baz. I couldn't save Penny. The only one I could save was Agatha. Only I didn't really save her, either. She moved. She left. She left us, she left it all behind.
Because I couldn't save her.

Beyond (Simon Snow Series)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें