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Sorry guys, this one is going to be pretty short. I've had a bad fever for almost a week now and this is all I managed to get done. The first day I was at 102.2, then 101.8 for a day, then 99.9, and finally I made it down to 98.3 for a day. Duh duh duuuhhhhh— when I finally thought I was getting better BAM I went down to 95.2°! So yeah, anyways, it's not going so great. Enjoy what I have so far and I'll update when I can!

"Excuse us for going to America to rescue our friend from vegan-loving, magic-stealing vampires," Penelope says.

"Oh yeah?" Noah turns to her. "And why did you have to rescue her? She left. She didn't want to be around you. You didn't have to follow. You didn't have to leave the rest of us to mercy. You didn't have to do nothing."

He paused, dropping his hands from where his fingers had been tangled in his hair. "But you did. Even when you were here you did nothing."

It's true. I hadn't wanted to be around them. Not so much then, but magic in general. And I knew I couldn't fully escape it. You can't ever really escape magic, it's everywhere. Well, except the Dead Spots Simon caused last year in England.

But California felt like an escape. It felt good to get away and to stay away. Although I do feel a bit guilty for getting them mixed up with the NowNext.

I thought if I went to America-- if I left England, and Simon and Penelope and Baz, behind-- I would be free of it all.

I wouldn't say Simon did nothing while we were here. He stopped the Insidious Humdrum, didn't he? He killed the Mage. He ended the wars. He was the hero.

Simon is quiet. He does that sometimes, falling quiet, when he's nervous or frustrated.

Baz is the first to defend them. "What do you mean we didn't do anything? We stopped the Humdrum, and prevented a war between the Mage and the Old Families. There must be some credit included for those."

"Not for the homes they destroyed." Noah looks up at Simon.  They're both around the same height, so when Noah catches his eyes he holds them there at the same level. "Or him."

I think Penny notices Simon getting nervous and takes his hand to steady him.

"So, what's he going to do for us?" I ask, turning to Penelope's mum.

"I think he could help you all. He's quite powerful."

Baz looks at him skeptically. "If--"

"Just because I look about as powerful as a mouse doesn't mean that  I am."

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