Carry On Countdown - Christmas Celebration

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Hi y'all! This fic is not only written as part of the Carry On Countdown, but is also written as a fic for @ mudblood428's Christmas SnowBaz piece. (Picture above.) ALSO— MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!

We didn't have Christmas in any of the orphanages I stayed in before I turned 11 and was swept away by the Mage. Before I met Penny, Baz, and Agatha. I didn't know what Christmas was until I spent my first year at Watford.

I spent my first Christmas with Penny at her house, even though her mum wasn't so fond of me back then. I suppose she thought I was going to blow up their entire house. (I can't actually blow up anything when I go off, or at least I haven't yet.) She taught me everything, from gingerbread houses to Father Christmas. Penny never even believed in Father Christmas, she said there was no way that someone could do that without magic, and even if they could it would still be so easy for the parents to do), but I thought it was nice. I liked to believe in him, and I don't think either Penny or Baz blames me.

After my first Christmas at 11, I started spending holiday with Agatha, even before we got together. Although Christmas' with her were good, they were nothing compared to this one.

Yes, we're still trying to figure out Baz's mum's murder, but I had nowhere else to go and a lead to tell Baz, so I suppose I sort of backed into spending Christmas with him this year. Not that it's turned out all that bad so far.

Last night I kissed Baz more than I'd ever kissed Agatha. (We didn't really do that, I think I was too awkward. That, and she was busy holding hands with my now-boyfriend in the Wavering Wood.)

I've never wanted to kiss anyone more than I have him. I didn't feel obligated to, I kissed him because I wanted to.

I wanted to kiss a boy.

I wanted to kiss Baz.

He's different. And I never realized how much I care about him until last night.

I woke up this morning to him sitting on the arm of the couch. After we ate, Baz agreed to go on a walk around the grounds with me. He made sure to dress me up warm in a few of his shirts and sweaters-- a t-shirt, a turtleneck, a green scarf and a jacket. I like wearing Baz's clothes. They smell like something sweet and soft.

Now, we walk out past the garden and away from the Pitch Manor.
I grip tight the mistletoe I'd snagged from the house inside my gloves (Baz's gloves) but not so much that I crumple it. We don't get very far before Baz stops and pulls on my coat sleeve.

He's wearing an expensive suit-jacket thing of course, even in this weather. He looks gorgeous. (Can boys look Gorgeous? Or does it always have to be handsome?)

"Snow— Simon," he's looking right at me. "Are you sure? That you want... this?"

The snow is settling in his hair, making it damp. Brush a wet strand of hair from his eyes but it falls back down.

Then I smile at him. "If I wasn't, would I do this?" I take his hand raise the mistletoe above our heads.

"You cheesy dolt," he says looking up. Then he leans down and kisses me. It's just as amazing as the ones he gave me last night. Yes, I want this.

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