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"A road trip? Are you serious?" Taehyung asked for the hundredth time from the others who were slowly starting to get annoyed by it.

"Yes, a road trip. After this world tour we had given only a week to relax and why not do something new. Something cool and we all could look around in the South Koreas country, not knowing where we're even going." Jimin reasons their choice to Taehyung who was still not convinced, looking at all of the other six males with narrowed eyes.

"Oh come on. Only this one time?" Hoseok pleaded the younger with puppy eyes. Taehyung still not answering, staring at them unconvinced.

"Even you, Yoongi-Hyung?" Taehyung asked, feeling betrayed when Yoongi looked at him and slowly nodded. Taehyung looked away from everyone before shaking his head and muttering quietly before answering.

"Fine. But only this one time. One. Time." Taehyung finally gave in to the others who had been pleading him for over twenty minutes. The six males clapped and fist-bumped each other from excitement and happiness. Mission completed.

"Okay. Now let's pack our bags with only necessary stuff because we're going on a road trip tomorrow, baby!" Namjoon half-shouted it, also happy to try out something new. No one except Jimin had gone to a road trip but that was only when he was in school still and with his family, so it wasn't as exciting as this one. Going on a road trip and driving who knows where with his group members just lights the small flame of excitement in the pit of his stomach.

Taehyung was still not very happy about the decision to spend three days in a car, just driving around the country and discovering new places. But still, a small bit of curiosity was in him that wanted to see where it'll go and why everyone else was so excited about it except him. Maybe it wasn't as bad as it looked like. It could be fun with all the other guys, hunched up in the same car. But it also could be boring, hot in the car or maybe something even worse- car breaking down or so.

"Just a quick question. Where will we be sleeping? I'm not a fan of sleeping in a car." Jungkook asked curiously from his hyungs while sipping the glass of juice he had in his hands and sitting on the comfy couch in the middle of the living room by the coffee table and the large windows that were from the floor to the ceiling.

"Uh, well try to find motels or something like that, I guess." Seokjin said as he scratched the back of his neck, not sure himself but he also didn't want to sleep in the car.

"But what if we're in the middle of the woods? I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be any motels or something even close to that." Yoongi spoke as he took a seat right next to Jungkook who was finishing his cup.

"Then well sleep in a car or keep on driving. We can switch from time to time the driver if one of us gets tired." Namjoon talked about the plan that he had just thought of a few seconds ago. Hoseok furrowed his brows and Namjoon saw it, making him confused why he did such a face.

"What's wrong, Hoseok-Hyung?" Namjoon asked, earning the olders attention fully.

"We aren't taking any staff with us? We're going all by ourselves and we also drive?" Hoseok asked, making sure he understood everything correctly before going on the road trip. Going on a road trip all by themselves, no one else looking out for them other than again, themselves scared him. He was scared that maybe he wasn't good enough at taking care of them. Maybe he said something wrong and ruined the whole mood. Maybe he wasn't good enough at jokes and didn't know how to entertain the others, making the whole trip utterly boring for all of them. He just didn't feel confident about it. About the trip. About himself.

"Yeah. We haven't gone anywhere with just by ourselves in forever. I promise that this is going to be good and worth all of it." Namjoon talk with a small glint of excitement and enthusiasm in his eyes.



So, I finally published this book. Thank you for 100 Marshmellews, UwU. I'll try to do a trailer for this one too as soon as possible and I'll try to update the book as fast as possible. I hope you enjoy!


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