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The six of them sat in the same room that was now dark, everyone waiting for Seokjin to come back as everyone else had already been through the same routine already. Every one of them had been questioned individually the exact same questions in front of a camera. 

But still, none of them knew what the hell was going on. They could hear a car pass them somewhere nearby and people talking in the distance but currently, it was too risky to try anything. First of all, they were guarded by two of the caped man with supposed weapons and none of them were about to risk it. Second of all, it might be people who are apart of all of this. It's not very likely that they're being held in a building with civilization around it.

So there weren't any good options for them. All of them could end extremely badly but they weren't planning to stay here. And it most likely that the whole Korea was already searching for them- the police and the fans as they were still the worldwide famous BTS.

They were supposed to call their manager every morning and night, letting him know that they're doing just fine. But they hadn't contacted him for two days now and they promised him. And when they promised something, they meant it. There were times where all of them accidentally sent Sejin a text or called him saying that everything is fine.

But it wasn't like them to not answer nor reply. There were definitely thousands of texts from him, worrying to death but none of them were able to respond. Most likely, their phones wherein their car that was left behind at the scene. They had to hope that their phones were traced and some clues were found for them. At least something!

But at the moment, there was nothing for them to do. Currently, they felt mentally depressed and confused. No one had gotten any clue to what was going on. Some of the were still in denial, hoping that this all was just a prank or a reality show. That was the only thing that could explain the cameras to them. But in the pit of their stomach, they knew that it wasn't a prank. It was all real. A nightmare in reality that none of them were ready for.

But psychically they were exhausted, hungry, and thirsty. Their bodies were weak from the lack of food and water, not to mention the mental exhaustion. Yeah, it had been about a day from when they ate but it was taking a toll on them. Their head felt heavy and light at the same time and the dizziness was taking slowly over, what was causing even more confusion. Their throat and mouth felt dry as they tried their best to not waste their energy on anything.

The door flew open and Seokjin was pushed inside who almost fell over but was able to stabilize himself and the door was slammed shut again, cutting out almost all of the light. The only light illuminated from outside through the window.

"Hey, Seokjin, are you alright?" Jungkook asked as he quickly dragged himself over to him.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." he said as he brushed himself clean from the dust he accidentally kicked up.

"Did they ask you the same questions?" Jimin asked as he looked up at him with soft eyes that were filled with worry.

"Yeah, of course! But I really hate those guys...I want to drink water. I'm thirsty." Seokjin said as he scratched his neck and swallowed roughly, his mouth feeling dry.

"Same here. My mouth feels like a fucking desert." Namjoon said as he stretched his back, loud cracks echoing in the room.

"Hey, you bastards! At least give us water!" Seokjin shouted, several voice cracks occurring in the middle of it but as expected, they got no response out of them. Only one loud bang was heard from the other side of the door. Probably someone punching or kicking the door signaling them to shut up.

"Fucking hell." Yoongi muttered under his breath, sighing loudly right after it.

The room was quiet after that, none of them knowing what to say. None of them even knew what was happening but Namjoon saw a symbol reoccurring everywhere. The caped man had it on them, the camera had that on and so did many other things.

It looked like a traffic light but there was another scribble next to it that he couldn't really describe. It looked like clocks hands but there was a wavy line above it.

(Another one of my horrible creations ha ha...ha)

The whole building was covered with these symbols and Namjoon just couldn't understand what's it for

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The whole building was covered with these symbols and Namjoon just couldn't understand what's it for. It wasn't familiar to him but still, he felt like he knew it from somewhere.

"Hey, guys. Have you also seen the same symbol or logo everywhere around here? The weird traffic light kind of thing." Namjoon asked after the long silence that had lingered in the room.

"Yeah, I'm guessing it's their...business logo or something like that. Organization maybe. I don't know what the hell this is!" Taehyung groaned as he threw his hands up in protest, voice hoarse. Jungkook also nodded from the other side of the room as he looked down at the ground sleepily.

"No, I haven't seen anything." Seokjin said with a soft voice as he rubbed his eyes, stomach rumbling with hunger. Everyone was against the wall curled up, knees to their chest.

They all felt so vulnerable but they couldn't do anything. It felt so unfair to be left without anything against people who have everything to hold them down.

"It looked like a traffic light and clocks hands with a wavy line above it. But I have no idea what it means."Namjoon said with a deep sigh as his eyelids felt heavy, ready to close at any moment.

"You thought it looks like a clock? I thought that it was a woman." Taehyung mumbled as his head was resting on his knees, eyes closed. Most of them just tried to fall asleep to pass the time. Jungkook did try to do it too at first until he heard Taehyung's sentence. He figured out what the logo stands for. The caped men had mentioned many times a customer to them and the logo is a traffic light and a woman sitting against it...or maybe tied up.

Jungkook felt like he couldn't breathe all of a sudden. His heart was beating rapidly and his body was trembling at the thought of it. His body felt hot as his breath shortened, palms feeling sweaty against the cold cement floor. His mind was dizzy as he felt like someone was choking him, the pain growing in his chest.

"Hey, Jungkook, are you alright?" Namjoon asked from the other side of the room as he looked at Jungkook with a worried expression. But he couldn't reply to him as his mind was racing through the worst scenarios.

"Hey, Jungkook!" Seokjin was the one to call out to him but still, the younger didn't even raise his stare from the floor.

Namjoon and Seokjin both rushed over to him as it looked like the rest of the three had fallen asleep already. They slightly shook him, trying to get him out of his trance while softly calling out to him. Eventually, it worked but they weren't ready for Jungkook's next sentence.

"I-I-I don't-I don't want to be-I don't want to be sold to someone!" Jungkook chocked out, eyes glistening with tears and pain as he thought about their future. They had become victims of human trafficking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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