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They had started driving already like half an hour ago or so. Jungkook's long and growing legs were starting to cramp and he was moving a lot on his seat, annoying Taehyung and Jimin who sat by him at the back of the car.

"Can you please stop moving around?" Taehyung asked as he was trying to play his mobile game, ignoring the other two who had tried to play cards with him until now.

"Well, I have a cramp and you didn't play with us so suffer." Jungkook spat back.

"Oh, yeah? Are you like ten? "Mommy, Tae-Tae doesn't want to play with me!"" Taehyung mimicked a small child voice, annoying Jungkook.

"No. I'm twenty-three already so suck that and play your boring game if you want to. I don't care anymore."

"Boring? Boring? Excuse you! You don't even know how to play this game."

"Oh, yes I do and I'll show it to you. Let me log on." Jungkook grabbed his phone and started loading the game and because of that, he didn't notice the small smirk playing on Taehyung's lips. That's what he wanted. He wanted to play it with Jungkook.

Jimin noticed it and started to laugh and high-fived with Taehyung who were both laughing now, confusing the hell out of Jungkook but ignored them as he was getting ready for the next game.

Yoongi was sleeping quietly with his neck pillow and Hoseok was looking at online shops while Seokjin was busy trying to look out for any animals that might run onto the road from the woods; chatting with Namjoon at the same time who just enjoyed the view of the dark forest on both sides of them.

They were all having a great time with each other. Even if they didn't talk with all of them, it was comforting to know that they were here, surrounding each other as they have been from the year 2013.

Everything was going smooth. It was around 2 AM already but none of them were sleepy except for Yoongi who was already fast asleep hours ago.

Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin were all now playing cards and giggling quietly to themselves, not daring to wake Yoongi up.

Seokjin and Namjoon were just in the middle of a conversation where Namjoon wanted to buy a crab for a pet when it happened.

A loud bang was heard and the car started to wobble on the road, making Seokjin hit the brake as hard as possible.

Everyone's eyes were wide and Yoongi had almost rolled off the seat, incredibly scared and terrified. All of them were panting in shock, no one knowing what to say.

Seokjin unbuckled his seatbelt and so did the others, following him outside to the chilly weather.

They walked around the car to see what the problem was but Jungkook just leaned on to the car, trying to finish his game that he had started again.

Hoseok pointed at the right front tire that was now flat, ripped apart.

They quietly exchanged looks between each other. How can a tire rip apart on a clear forest road?

Seokjin walked back to the place where the tire ripped, trying to find the source of doing so. At first, he didn't see anything. Everything seemed clear un normal until his phone's flashlight caught a glimpse of something shining a little farther.

There was a cord that went from one side of the road to the other and the worst part was that it had small, thick and sharp spikes on it, making it hard to see because of its size.

He thought for many seconds, not understanding how can something be so perfectly in the middle of the woods on a road where cars don't really drive until the horror hit him. Someone did it on purpose. Someone tried to get a car to stop for some reasons Seokjin didn't want to find out.

He sprinted back to the others and commanded them to get to the car and they all did so and after they all were in, Seokjin quickly locked all the doors.

"What? What happened? What's going on?" Everyone asked in confusion.

"There's some spiked cord on the road with a purpose to stops cars. Now the purpose can't be good considering where we are at the moment- in the middle of nowhere."

"Uh, well then we might have a small teeny-tiny problem." Taehyung said, ready to continue what he started with a heavy heart and looking at the empty seat next to him.

"Uh, we've lost a member. Jungkook isn't here..."

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