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Jungkook opened his eyes, blinking several times as his vision was hazy. His body felt heavy, making it hard to move your body as everything was sore. He couldn't feel his body like he was paralyzed. Even opening his mouth was hard and the only thing he could do was look around the room with half-lidded eyes.

The room was dim and completely empty. Only two, worn-out kingsized mattresses laying on the ground and Jungkook was on one of them. The walls were old and cracked and the floor was just plain cement. The only light came from the lightbulb that was hanging in the middle of the room from a black, chipped wire. This room was straight out a horror movie but at least this room had a window that had metal bars in front of it.

Jungkook focused his eyes on the other mattress that laid on the other side of the room, discovering three other people on it and the fourth laying against a wall. He couldn't exactly tell who they were as his vision was still blurry but as minutes passed, he started to see more clearly and his body didn't feel so heavy and sore anymore.

After his body had fully recovered, he slowly sat up on the mattress and looked behind himself just to see Taehyung and Jimin laying there. Taehyungs stomach was wrapped in a bandage and so was Jimins head. Both of them had blood soaking it.

Jungkook quickly turned Taehyung on his back while still being careful and tried to wake him up and if he didn't, he tried the same on Jimin but both of them didn't budge. Jungkook felt lost, not knowing what to do, he just sat there. He wasn't sure if shouting for help would do any good but crying definitely wouldn't help so he stopped himself from doing so. After all, both of them were alive as you could see their chest rising from breathing.

Jungkook whipped his neck to the left as he heard a groan and shuffling. He had forgotten about the second mattress. He saw Seokjin sitting up and holding his nose while his eyes were closed shut, letting out a groan of pain.

Jungkook quickly scrambled up from his spot over to Seokjin, scaring him while doing so. Jungkook jumped onto him, both crashing into the mattress again. As Seokjin understood who it was, he wrapped his hands around Jungkook's neck and hugged him back tightly, staying in that position for some time.

When they parted, Jungkook finally got a good look at tSeokjins face. His left eye was purple and his nose was definitely broken.

"Yikes..." Jungkook whispered quietly as he stared at his hyungs face.

"Is it that bad?" he asked chuckling, scratching the back of his neck.

"Well, no...yeah. But you're still worldwide handsome so don't worry. A purple eye and a broken nose aren't the worst things that can happen." Jungkook whispered back, scared to wake the others as Namjoon was laying behind Jungkook and Hoseok laying behind Seokjin. Yoongi being the one laying against the wall.

"What? A broken nose and a purple eye? This is the death of me and my beautiful face." Seokjin whispered and the younger male just chuckled.

"But how did you even get caught? We went looking for you." Seokjin said as he turned his head towards Jungkook and stared softly at Jungkook.

"I, uh, went to the forest to do my own business when all of a sudden I was in a chokehold from behind and I felt a sharp sting in my upper arm and soon I passed out. I guess I was drugged or something."

"I knew it. You did go for a piss." The two males heard a weak, hoarse voice from behind each other. Hoseok sat up, eyes slowly blinking and he looked like he was going to throw up every second.

"Hoseok!" Jungkook and Seokjin both whisper-shouted as they jumped on him and Hoseok hissed, making the other two immediately let go of him. Hoseok was holding his leg were a bandage was wrapped around, eyes closed tight as they jumped on him.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you." Jungkook started apologizing quickly but Hoseok waved him off.

"It's not your fault, you didn't know. The people who did this are the reason for us being in pain. Where are we anyway?" Hoseok asked, hos neck had purple bruises and his voice was still hoarse. Jungkook and Seokjin both stayed silent before Seokjin whispered, "We don't know."

Hoseok slowly nodded, looking down at Namjoon's body laying next to him, his breathing heavy.

"Seokjin?" they heard a hoarse voice come from behind and saw Yoongi staring weekly at them from his place, having deep, purple bruises all over his neck too. His blonde hair was messy and the denim jacket he had on before was gone. Now wearing only hos black sweater.

"Yoongi!" Seokjin whispered happily and quickly went over to him, to check if he's okay. Yoongi nodded in response as he didn't want to talk, his throat hurting. Seokjin scooped him up and carefully placed him on the mattress with them, feeling bad that he had to sit alone on the ground.

"What's going on?" Yoongi asked weakly.

"We don't know either. The last thing I remember is getting knocked out and that's all." Seokjin answered, sunlight starting to now shine through the small window that was at the top of the room. Seokjin stared at Yoongi's shoes before letting out a breathy laugh and asking, "Would it be okay for me to say a joke at the moment?"

"Sure, go ahead." Hoseok chuckled. They needed something to be amusing.

"What is a kidnapper's favorite shoe?"


"White Vans." Seokjin started laughing at his own joke, as always and Hoseok rolled his eyes and Jungkook smiled, annoyed. But Yoongi? He was actually laughing at his joke, the sunlight blinding them.

At that moment, Jungkook thought, You know, we can come out of this alive. We have each other.

They all stopped laughing when they heard the keys jingling behind the big metal door...

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