Waking Moments

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I jumped awake, taking a sharp breath as I went from laying down to an upright position. I was sitting on a old wooden bed with nothing but a stiff pillow on it. This bed was in a room that was filled with nothing but a bedside table, the bed itself, and a closed door. The walls were missing any color or paint, and was bare drywall, if you could even call it that.

I tried to stand up, but my back felt incredibly stiff, more so than the pillow. It hurt to flex it more than a small curve. I tried to stretch it away, but it only helped a small bit. At least a little bit is better than nothing.

In my second attempt to stand, I made the floor boards beneath me creak with age. There was no window inside this room, and I had no clear indicator of weather or not it was day or night. I wanted to assume it was day since I just woke up, but my mind and body felt too out of wack, in the way of I couldn't tell if I had slept through a night, or if I had only slept for minutes.

I tried to remember where I was, and what happened before I got wherever I am, but couldn't. It felt as though someone had done something to me so I couldn't remember where I was, why I was here, or much about myself at all.

I knew my name is Arron, but I couldn't remember who my family members are. I know I am 15, but I didn't know how long I was here for, or when it was before now. All I could remember are little things about me, and all other things about my actual life, were locked away.

But why?

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