The note

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I slowly clambered out from under the bed, avoiding the creaky and loose floorboards. Before I could get all the way up, I felt an incredibly sharp pain in my chest, and had to kneel against the bed to catch my breath.

After I regained my breathing pattern, I noticed that the bedside table had two drawers, and I thought about looking in them for anything useful for defending myself.

The first one is filled with nothing but an empty picture frame. The second one had a small stash of paper, and a few other trinkets. I grabbed the wad of papers, and inspected one of the little slips. It had what looked to be normal notes, but was scribbled over with many notes, I flipped through the wad I had grabbed from the drawer, and saw that the further back I went the more frantic the writing got.

In total, there looked there were 50 or so slips of paper. I noticed that there were numbers on the bottom right corners of the pages, they weren't written on, they were too neat and much darker than the words and notes scribbled throughout the book.

I didn't want to leave the room, as I didn't know if I was safe anywhere else, so I decided to try and assemble the pages into order. I tried to find the first page, but the page that I found that was closest to the beginning was numbered with an eleven. I began to separate the papers into smaller piles so that I could organize them better, and soon found that the last page was page 71/72.

After switching the pages around, I had found one that was a different color than the rest. It a only one word scratched into it, and it was scratched on bold and HARD.

That word was REMEMBER.

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