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The boy was leaning his entire weight against the door, giving it all of his strength as the door refused to buckle under the blows of the unseen creature.

After the creature had laid no less than thirty blows on the door, it stopped. You could hear it lumber down the stairs with a great weight, that caused them to creak and groan with every step.

Once the noise completely disappeared, the small boy slid down the door with his back still to it, and a look of thankful relief washed across his face. He closed his eyes as he relaxed his arms and caught his breath. A few seconds passed and his eyes opened and noticed the stash of papers I had begun to organize on the floor. His eyes opened wide as he made a barely audible noise of surprise, followed by him crawling over to the pile to inspect it.

He stared at it with a confused look and looked at it from different angles, as though he was trying to work out a math problem that he hadn't learned to solve yet.

I tried to move further under the bed, but only made more noise, causing his eyes to dart to me.

He stared with a slightly shocked look on his face for a few seconds, and softly uttered, "Daniel?"

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