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I was standing in the middle of the room, as I realized that the air felt empty, and the house, or room I was in, was completely silent. No ambience, no wind, no sound at all. Just silence. The more I sat in the emptiness, the more eerie it became. The existence of this place felt like it had gone stale.

I noticed I had been holding my breath, and took a deep breath, and broke the silence. I noticed that whenever I took large breaths, my chest hurt more, so I began to breath more shallow. I close my eyes and try to remember what was going on, and I start to pace.

When I was pacing, I accidentally tripped on a loose floorboard that catapulted up when I stood on it.

I hit the floor with a large slam, my bare face making contact with the old and dusty wood-grained floor, intense pain flying through my body. Involuntarily, I scrambled under the bed, and turned to look at the door, which quickly slammed open with the force equivalent to someone slamming into it.

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