The Boy and the Creature

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What came through the door was...
...a kid? It was a little boy, well not exactly a little boy per say, but he looked young, maybe 12-13 years old, and looked to be shorter than me. His chest was heaving, and he looked exasperated, as though he had been running, but I had no idea what he had been running from.

And then the thing he was running from (or what I presumed to be what he was running from) rumbled up the stairs, causing him to tense up, and press against the door, which was still to his back.

The thing slammed into the door, and you could almost see the door bend from the impact, but thankfully, the small boy was able to hold the door shut. The creature did not stop, though, and it began to roar ferociously and bang on the door, and you could see the door shift with every smack. A look of terror was painted across his face as a tear slid down his left cheek.

The monster continued to barrage the door with blows.

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