Chapter 4

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The next morning, Kali woke up extra early to collect some food around the apartment for the hungry dogs she knew were waiting for her, Andi and Bruce back at the hotel. 

Unknown to the tomboy, Roxanne and Bethany were also up and snuck up on her in the kitchen. 

"You're sure up early" Roxanne said to her, making the adventure girl jump slightly and turn around. 

"Yeah" she replied causally as possible. "Just thought I'd get a jump on the day" 

"That's good" Roxanne replied, telling her. "I'm having a party tonight and need this place spotless" 

"Yeah, so get on it, maid!" Bethany ordered, all snobby like as the brat she truly was. "Then you're going to play Pretty Princesses with me. You're the witch"

Princess then walked in, jumping up on the counter as she meowed. Kali noticed most of the fur on her tail was missing, making it look naked. 

"Uh, what happened with Princess's tail?" Kali asked, knowing the family would get suspicious if she didn't. 

"Ah, she got into some kind of fight with something" Roxanne replied, not really sure what happen. "I think we have rats again"

But Kali knew it really was Dolly who had done that to Princess from chasing her around the other day. 

"My poor kitty witty" Bethany squeezed her cat so tightly, the poor thing's eyes nearly popped out. 

Princess then meowed while looking over to Kali, kinda giving the tomboy this death glare look cause the evil cat now knew she had been hiding two dogs in their apartment.  

Just then, everyone could hear a loud howling dog noise coming from what felt like half way across town. 

Roxanne looked out the window. "What is that?" she wondered.  

Kali's eyes quickly widened in realization while Princess looked over giving her this sneaky grin, in a way telling the tomboy she'd get caught sooner or later. 

"Uh, I gotta go!" Kali quickly got up from her seat and left the apartment. 

"Don't forget, you're cleaning this place up and getting rid of those rats" Roxanne called out to her as she ran out. 

Kali ran down the streets as fast as she could to get to the hotel. She quickly bumped into Andi and Bruce along the way. 

"You guys hear that?" she asked them about the howling. 

"Yeah" the siblings nodded, before Andi said. "Let's go!"

The three kids continued running until they made it to the hotel and came up into the bedroom to find the large mastiff by the window, howling while Friday, Dylan, Dolly and the Boston terrier were all hiding under the bed like they've just seen a ghost. 

"Guys, what's wrong?" Kali asked her two dalmatians in concern.  

"We don't know" Dylan replied, looking completely confused.  

"The big lard won't shut up" Dolly added in slight irritation, then turned to the Boston terrier. "Can't you do something about him?"

"He doesn't talk much" the Boston terrier replied that her friend was mute. 

The kids came over to the mastiff who continued howling. 

"What's his problem?" Bruce asked his sister.  

"I don't know" Andi said. "Why are you asking me?"

"Stop howling, please" Kali and Bruce begged the large dog. 

Dylan and Dolly and the Hotel for DogsWhere stories live. Discover now