Chapter 5

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One morning, Andi, Bruce and Kali snuck out with the dogs to walk them. 

"Now remember, everyone. Follow your walker in an orderly fashion" Dylan tried instructing the other dogs to walk in a single-file line, just like how he did with his younger siblings back at home. But Dylan soon got angry and yelled after all the dogs were crowding around him, a few even stepping on his paws. "And be polite to your fellow walking buddies!" 

It was not easy walking eight dogs at the same time, as they nearly got trampled over each other more than once. 

"Do you really think we can do this, like, every day?" Andi asked Bruce and Kali, thinking this was impossible for them.  

"Yeah, why not?" Kali shrugged her shoulders. 

"This is a piece of cake" Bruce added, before he suddenly got tangled up in the leashes and ended up falling over. 

The friends got to work, trying to get the hotel clean and in decent shape while the dogs enjoyed each others company, all spending time together and getting to know one another. 

Cooper, the bulldog, loved to chew anything. And I mean anything. He'd been through shoes, cellphones, handbags, even ate through a license plate once. 

Shep the border collie obviously had some herding issues, as she kept circling around her friends ever so often. 

And then there was Romeo, the ugly looking chihuahua. He was... well, Romeo. A rather lonely dog, despite having all these new friends. 

It actually proved a lot harder than the kids thought while trying to attend to the dogs needs. The dogs were basically messing up the whole hotel at one point while the kids chased them around. Even stepping in poop a couple of times.

"Aren't we supposed to be wearing them out?" Andi asked.  

"This is totally normal" Heather stated. 

Waaaaaay later~

The kids were sitting down against the fountain, exhausted while the dogs watched them. 

"You know, I think we might be in a little over our heads" Andi admitted.  

"Really?" Kali looked to her in deadpan. "You're just realizing that now?"

"It's 5-8, we're out-dogged" Dave said. 

"Guys, it's really not that bad" Bruce told the others, getting up. "I mean, if you look at it, dogs have three basic needs. That's eating, sleeping and then peeing and pooping" 

"That's four" Andi told her brother. 

"No, I think peeing and pooping's one" Bruce corrected. 

"Uh, I've stepped in both, and I'd have to disagree" Heather spoke up. 

"Look, guys, I'm serious. I really think we can make this work" Bruce said to the gang. 

"Count me in" Kali was ready to do anything she could to help make this all possible. 

"How?" Andi asked them. 

Kali smirked to Bruce, having an idea. 

Soon, the gang got to work, and things started looking better with Bruce's ideas. Dylan even got to help him a bit, building the inventions that would help out with the dogs needs and make work a lot easier for the kids. 

There was an exercise room, where the kids had tied some bones up in front of the treadmills so the dogs would chase the bones while walking on them. There was also an automatic fetch machine, so even when the kids weren't at the hotel the dogs could still play.

Dylan and Dolly and the Hotel for DogsWhere stories live. Discover now