Chapter 6

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The next few weeks had been just perfect for the kids and all the dogs at the hotel. 

The kids came into one room with a bunch of mattresses and pillows, and just had fun with their dogs. Kali was roughhousing with Dylan and Dolly, wishing this perfect moment would never end for her and her dogs.  

"You know, I'm starting to think this place is just like back home" Dylan admitted. 

"But is it even better than 101 Dalmatian Street?" Dolly asked her brother, since with all the new dogs living in the hotel now reminded the dalmatian siblings of their family back home and it felt like 101 Dalmatian Street all over again to them. 

They were all like one big happy family. 

Kali, Dylan and Dolly all laughed and continued playing together with the others. 

Things were running quite smoothly in the hotel for all the dogs. Although there were times Dolly usually didn't want to follow the rules and some things took forever for the dogs when they went one at a time, just like it had been for her back at home before with her 97 younger brothers and sisters. 

So as always, the rebellious dalmatian would speed things up in everything, there by messing with and breaking some of the inventions much to her brother's annoyance as the more responsible one.  

Later on, Dave and Dylan were trying to help Romeo figure out what he was interested in rather than being lonely all the time. That is until Romeo soon met a beautiful white female poodle named Juliet, and they both immediately started having romantic feelings for each other. 

One day, Bernie had stopped by at Kali's foster home to talk with her along with Andi and Bruce. Bernie had gathered the kids together to tell them he had found the perfect new foster parents for all three of them. The only problem was it was three hours away, and the kids knew far too well they couldn't just leave when they still had the dogs to take care of. 

Bernie didn't understand what the kids were doing. They apologized to him as they had chosen to stay. 

Bernie then left while the three kids looked to each other in uncertainty, wondering...

Were they making the right choice? 

Dylan and Dolly and the Hotel for DogsWhere stories live. Discover now