Chapter 10

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Friday, Dylan and Dolly led the rest of the dogs back to the hotel, as they all soon came running inside the building and up the stairs. They were home.

Police officers quickly arrived on the scene, ordering all the exits to be blocked off, and all the animal control officers came down to the hotel. 

A large crowd had gathered, followed by some curious news reporters.  

"There's no need to get upset, Officer" the lead animal control officer came up. "Animal Control is on the scene"

"Alright, everybody, if you can just let us do our job, we'll have all these dangerous canines rounded up and out of your hair presently" another animal control officer told the crowd. 

"Stop! Can I get through, please? Excuse me" the kids just then came rushing through the crowd and up to the front by the officers.  

"Oh, no, no, no, no! Not you again!" one of the police officers said once he spotted the kids. 

"You can't just take the dogs away" Kali glared to the police and animal control officers as she came up. 

"Those dogs belong to us" Andi told the officers. 

"They're family" Bruce added. 

"Yeah, and we're not gonna let you cover all-wearing goons take them away from us" Heather glared to the officers. "And you can put that in your report" 

"Officer, would you please arrest these young felons right now so we can get back to work?" one of the animal control officers pointed to the kids, glaring.  

"Fine! Whatever! Just leave the dogs alone!" Andi and Kali told the animal control officers. 

Just then, Friday, Dylan and Dolly spotted their kids and came down the stairs towards them. 

"Andi! There he is!" Bruce gasped once they saw Friday. 

But as the dogs approached their kids, all three of them were immediately grabbed by the animal control officers. 

"Those are our dogs! You can't just take them away!" Andi, Kali and Bruce glared and jumped at the officers. 

This quickly led into a big fight between everybody.  

"Stop!" a familiar voice suddenly called out. 

Everybody stopped and became quiet, looking up to see Bernie there at the top of the stairs, making Kali, Andi and Bruce surprised to see him here. 

"Okay. Now, who are you?" the police officer asked Bernie.  

"I'm Bernie Wilkins" Bernie replied, taking out his badge. "Social Services"

Everybody suddenly started fighting again. Bernie had to get all their attention by whistling loudly. 

"Come on, listen. Can you just hear me out before you throw these kids in jail and destroy all these innocent dogs?" Bernie asked the officers and animal control workers. 

Everyone was silent, until the police officer replied. "I see no reason why we can't hear both sides"

"Look. I'm responsible for these kids, and I know what they did was wrong" Bernie began. "But I gotta tell you, I wish I had the guts to do what they did"

"I've been trying to place kids in good homes for fifteen years and most of the time, I'm not successful" 

"But these kids, they didn't make excuses. They didn't get frustrated with the system and give up. They just went out and did it. They saved everybody. They created their own little family"

Dylan and Dolly and the Hotel for DogsWhere stories live. Discover now