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the crowd goes wild and seokjin stumbled a little bit from his spot. he groaned as he felt his nose aching a little too much but didn't let go of his grip on sooyoung's wrist, much on the woman's irritation.

"let go of her! don't make me hit harder than that!" she yelled and was about to charge towards the man when two strong arms held her side by side and a hand which covered her mouth


sooyoung wanted to laugh, seeing her unnie struggled between those who held her but her cute flailing was a complete failure because she is as small as an elf and the people around her tower her very easily. but it was immediately cut off when another voice echoed the whole hallway. compared to the former's, her voice was a lot thinner.

"you jerks! what do you think are you all doing to my seungwan and my sooyoung, huh?!"

with her physical strength and abilities, she speed walked towards the group and kicked the balls of the people who are holding seungwan and sooyoung.

"kim seokjin! let go of sooyoung! and you three! kim namjoon, jung hoseok and min yoongi! don't make me say the same thing twice!"

after kicking their balls, R.I.P... someone walked towards her and embraced her from the back which made her stop.

is it because she felt a sudden urge of attraction?

of course not.

it's because she knew the one who hugged her very well. it was in fact, her number one enemy.

and the purpose of the hug is not for affection, but to restrain her from kicking everyone further.

"can you stop, kang seulgi?!"

"yah! yuck! you're disgusting park jimin! let me go!"

"ouch! stop kicking! you're going to hit my sword!"

"then everything will be good, mr. cassanova smurf!"

"what did you just called me, you lesbian?!"

"smurf! smurf! cassanova smurf!"

"you're nothing but a stiff woman who don't even know how to do a split!--"

"what is this commotion about?"

everyone literally froze after hearing the soft voice. it was amazing that everyone heard that voice after being so loud and messy with everything that is currently happening.

"sooyoung, seungwan, seulgi? what happened?"

the three immediately struggled on the boys' hold and went on the recently arrived female's back. the latest comer just kept a straight face on and faced the group of boys. she opened her mouth and was about to say something when one of the boys stepped out at her front and offered his hand

"hi. i'm kim taehyung. you can call me v."

she stared at him and his weird act. why would he say those when they are already--

"can i call you mine?"

the girls gasped and the boys have their mouths gaped open.

damn! that was fckin smooth~ taehyung said in his mind.

but much to his disappointment, the woman ignored him and faced his friends instead, tired of his eccentricity and caused a pout on his handsome face.

"why is my girls being held by your dirty hands?" she said harshly, raising a brow at the boys

the boys scowled and replied, "our hands aren't dirty! they're holy!" which earned a scoff from the small group of women.

"i was only greeting the newcomer when suddenly that gay held me and scolded me for something i didn't do!"

after sooyoung's exclamation, she pointed her index finger to seokjin who gaped at her

"i'm not gay!"

"says you who likes pink." she snapped back

"hey! pink is a manly color!"

"says who?! pink is for women, i mean, who will choose pink as his favorite color, huh?!"

"hey! jongdae oppa likes pink!" seungwan immediately butted in their heated argument

"oh. yeah. wannie's crush likes pink. so? he is a proven man, considering him liked by our seungwan who has standards higher than that god of destruction's height!" sooyoung said and pointed out at namjoon's direction

"he's just a good vocal, what's more to like of him?"

for the first time in forever, the ice cube named min yoongi interfered in sooyoung and seokjin's conversation.

"yeah, he is not even good at dancing" then it was hoseok who supported yoongi's statement.

"uh huh. can he even compose songs and produce them like yoongi hyung, hoseok and I do?"

at this, seungwan stepped out at the three and snapped at them

"excuse me, you brutes. my kim jongdae can do everything that is beyond your imagination. he can sing, dance and rap and even compose and produce songs if he wanted to. and what do i like in him? he's humble and very kind. not like you, you bunch of airheaded ass--"

"alright, alright, that was already censored, thank you for that wonderful speech, son seungwan, we'll reward you a date with your jongdae later"

seulgi immediately stopped seungwan and her last word as they were a lot of people who are watching and enjoying them bicker at each other. she signed her hand towards sooyoung who immediately calmed the blushing seungwan after hearing the word 'date' and 'jongdae' in one sentence, which earned a triple scoff from the three men.

before seulgi can say a word, yerim who was almost forgotten by everyone except for one person, ehem, came out from jungkook's back to meddle in the commotion.

"who's the newcomer, anyways?"

as joohyun asked, sooyoung pointed at the younger one who smiled innocently at them.

the three ladies was very surprised seeing their youngest member come back from who knows where (taehyung knows) and was already there at their front without prior notice.

then the next thing everyone knew, the holy trinity was already hugging the youngest one, yerim and later on was joined by sooyoung.

on the other hand, the boys' mouths flew open, except for taehyung (again) upon seeing them doing their group hug and was almost emotional in their own moment.

it seems like taehyung knew already that yerim was friends with them.

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