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Nagito Komaeda, a lanky 180cm boy. In the middle of his boring high school life, along with his best friend Kokichi Ouma. Nagitos birthday falls on April 28 which could be unlucky or lucky. Pale skin, pale hair, pale eyes everything was dull. A nickname he was called way "Albino" but only people who called him "Fa**t" were just mindless in the head. He had some other nick-names that he didn't mind too much. 

He doesn't mind reading manga when he's bored to the point where he just wants to chop off a body part. At the moment he's really interested in murder mysteries. Nagito loves the fact before you find out who the real killer is you have all of the evidence and you fight for your answer. Its a thrill of excitement for Nagito. Maybe sometimes, it was too much of a thrill. With his eyes going hazy full of thrill. 

His blood type is O, meaning that you have neither A nor B antigens in your red cells. But both A and B antibodies in your plasma. Just some random information that he knew about himself. Nagito dislikes noisy places and ugly people. All of the people that he has seen have been more beautiful than him bit one day he told himself that he will find an ugly person.

What Nagito likes is beautiful people which could explain why he was so attracted to Hajime, everything about him was beautiful in his eyes. Nagito also likes pretty things, maybe like flowers. The color of flowers is so calming and pretty when you pluck off the petals and the wind pushes them away is a wonderful sight. As well as how many different types of flowers stand out from the others. 

Walking into the plain classroom Nagito mentally prepares himself for a difficult day.

Taking his seat in the back of the room one desk away from the window. Placing his heavy-weighted bag on his chair, unpacking all of his notebooks and pencil case he finally realises what has happened to his desk. Words everywhere on his desk, black, red. It was sploshed with the ugliest color mix that he'd seen so far. Nagito kind of just froze and started to read the roughly written words. 

This doesn't always happen but when it does he kind of just stands there reading the comments people had given him. What was on his mind? Absolutely nothing but the voices whispering to him and pestering him until he drove himself to the edge, taking a deep breath Nagito reflects. Today he was a bit earlier than usual. Wanting to get rid of the extra weight on his hands from the heavy useless notebooks, he places them inside the desk where there was a small compartment.

Now his eyes are soaring the whole desk reading every comment, he kept on re-reading them as his heart hurt more and more. It felt like it was breaking into pieces, he tried so hard to be a normal high school student along with everyone else but it never worked out ever since people found out he was gay. Because of one pestering guy that he had met back in middle school which disappeared for a while and came back completely different. 

It was a small difference that changed his whole life. One small difference can lead to self-harm or even suicide. 

"Oh," Nagito heard a familiar voice, whipping his head towards the door he saw his best friend Kokichi Ouma standing there. He was 156 cm tall, and his birthday was on June 21. It's hard to understand the midget because he lies so much but Nagito is getting a hang of it.

"Your early today..." Kokichi slowly walks to where Nagito is, hearing his own footsteps echoing in the room. Slow and steady steps. Taking his seat next to the window setting his bag down. When Nagito looked at his hands he noticed that they were a bit wet, more likey dripping wet. As if he had washed his hand in the last 10 seconds.

"Why are you here so early?" Nagito asked Kokichi with eye contact not wanting a lie to come out of his mouth like a song.

"I don't know, just felt like making someone happier." Kokichi gave Nagito a small smile as he packed his bag out getting his notebooks and his pencil case. "Today is gonna be bad, we have a math test today." Kokichi groaned, hating math a bit. You can't blame him, the teacher's voice was just too annoying to listen too. 

Nagito had completely forgotten about the math test but he didn't focus on that right now, "Why did you lie to me?" Nagito confronting Kokichi. Crossing his arms on his chest, looking down. 

"I didn't, I told the truth."

"No you didn't, your hands are soaked and when you walked over there were droplets of water." Nagito pointed to the trail of water which was where Kokichi had walked over to his table, small and round. Shimmering against the lights as well. Kokichi sighed knowing there's no way he was going to get out of this one without breaking his best friends heart.

"I was gonna clean your table," Kokichi admitted as we pulled something out of his now wet pocket. Nagito saw it and it was a white rag, but not pure white. There were red marks, black marks, so many different colors. It didn't look pretty. 

Nagito then looked at his table and saw all of those colors on his table. Connecting the dots he knew that he was getting comments every day but early in the morning Kokichi would clean them off.

"Why?" Was all that Nagito could ask.

"Why!? Because I don't want to see you hurt anymore to these pathetic and useless bullies. Look at yourself, your so kind. You're perfect, You deserve to be so happy, you have such a bright and far  future ahead of you and I'm scared that you could lose it all from one small difference." Kokichi dragged out his explanation with his eyes swelling up with tears. Giving him a burning sensation.  He doesn't want Nagito to disappear from him, they've been together for such a long time now. 

It was silent, you could heard a droplet fall, Nagito stood up and hugged the small midget who was now standing. "You don't have to, you don't have to wake up so early for me." Nagito soothed Kokichis back as he heard hiccups from tears.

Kokichi pushed him away to wipe his tears and snot with his sleeve, "Don't look at me, I look really ugly right now," His eyes were red from the number of tears he quickly shed. The nose was runny earning the room some sniffles and snuffles. In other words, Kokichi looked like a mess.

"I can agree with that," Nagito whistled out earning a punch to the shoulder, but afterward the sad room filled with laughter.

Kokichi went over to Nagitos desk and started to scrub all of the unnecessary comments that didn't deserve such places in this world. Nagito started to feel guilt watching his friend use all of his energy to forcefully scrub the desk.

After some time Kokichi had left the room to empty the water out of the rag, during that time Nagito started to dry his desk with his white clean sleeve. The white sheet of paper, splattered with black and brown. Wiping the remaining water droplets on his desk.

"Don't do that, you're ruining your uniform," It was a different voice compared to Kokichi. It was deeper, looking up his eyes met with the one and only Hajime Hinata. Nagito panicked knowing that he must be looking like a dork right now.

"Sorry," Nagito quietly mumbled.


hello! Welcome to "please be quiet". i did imagine making another danganronpa story with Komahina and a bit of Oumasai but didn't expect it this soon.

hopefully, you will enjoy reading.

please be quietDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora